It will give account of filling your organizations with a terrorist organization.


AKP President Recep Tayyip Erdogan spoke at the AKP provincial chiefs meeting.

Erdoğan’s target was once again CHP leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu. The highlights of Erdogan’s speech are as follows:

“We are conducting a continuous evaluation that we conduct at the headquarters of our provincial organizations of this organizational structure will also be carriers of hope not only the AK Party of Turkey. We will enter a new year in about 3 weeks. History will record the 2020 as an interesting and difficult year in all respects. Whether you are a politician or a pastor, you need a social ethic that does your job in the best possible way. If a person does not benefit from these values, he turns like an arrow that gets disoriented and starts shooting his own people CHP comes first in this.

Take a look at the problems attacked by the CHP administration and the person in your head. Just pay attention to your attitude in the defense industry, which is the backbone of our country’s security. They attack our unmanned aerial vehicles, helicopters and tank projects. They attack our engine project. They are attacking our hydrocarbon exploration activities in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. They attack the strong political position that we show in our region and in our world. No attack on our country’s defense industry is innocent. Each of these attacks is a fifth column activity that haunts terrorist organizations and animosity.


Another issue that the head of the CHP furiously attacked is international investment. There are two reasons why they attack this. When the investor is American or British, he does not make noise, when he is from Qatar, he attacks vulgarly. This is a sign of fascism.

Kılıçdaroğlu lied in people’s eyes to see if he ever uttered $ 20 billion. Someone who tells such lies is no longer the subject of political science, but is in the interest of another branch of science. This understanding has turned into an unhealthy mentality. What is expected of those who discriminate against people because of their beliefs and origins?


Are they not the ones who accuse those who approach them of abusers and rapists and try to cover up the misfortune in their own parties? The second reason is that your goal is to destroy the goal of our country completely, if possible. We have deep-rooted political and economic relationships with both the United States and the EU that both sides cannot ignore or want to lose. We’ve kept investors in the limelight, these threats of sanctions are useless approaches. There is no problem that cannot be solved through dialogue and cooperation. Our door will remain open to all investors.


The crucial and vexing problem is the spate of rapes, harassment and robberies at the CHP. We are embarrassed that Turkey’s second largest party turns into something like this. The CHP administration is far from this sentiment. They don’t take the slightest step to reveal the truth. Faced with this situation, the profound silence of the so-called NGOs defending land rights is also significant, who made a mess of fake news without looking back. Kılıçdaroğlu, who constantly repeats claims that have been proven false, does not say a word about rape, harassment and theft in party organizations.

This person does not show the slightest reaction to the cover of the complaints of rape, harassment, theft of the provincial president of Istanbul, who is also a woman. It seems that these are examples of the tip of the iceberg. In fact, every day we find a new confession, a new revelation every day, a new accusation every day. The CHP administration, with its municipalities and organizations, turns to mind-blowing direction instead of coming out of the swamp of shame, after almost 2 years after the elections, they started a campaign to blame the old administrations with fabricated files for Cover up the rape, harassment, theft in their matches. On the other hand, they do not comment on the names of the CHP members who have been arrested for bribery and fall into the language of the public.

I mean the accusations: this cunning is not enough to save you, you will have to be held accountable for every violation, harassment, theft. You will be responsible for every secret treason deal you make. If you are going to give account of filling your organization and municipalities with members of all kinds of terrorist organizations, from the PKK to the FETO. Turkey will account for national projects and policies that make soufflé distort the material it gives to the enemy. I am calling the CHP administration: they will put the ropes on the market to everyone who is involved in violations, harassment and theft at the CHP. Otherwise, the shadow of these accusations falls on all CHP supporters, we will never condone such injustice. Although we think politically differently, we know that among those who vote for the CHP and those who do politics there are honest people. We will be the followers of these claims to protect your rights, the dignity of the law. I want you to address it in your own provinces and share it with our nation.
