The SCT of cigarettes has been reduced. SCT rates on tobacco products and cigarettes, which were previously between 67 and 80 percent, dropped to 63 percent.
The Decision on the Redetermination of Special Rates of Consumption Tax to be applied to Certain Goods No. 3328 and Provision (3) of Article 12 of the Law of Special Consumption Tax No. 4760 to be Implemented on these were published in the Official Gazette. Goods for the Period January-June 2021.
Consequently, while the excise duty on cigarettes and other tobacco products was 63 percent, the flat tax was set at TL 0.4851 and the fixed minimum tax was TL 0.4883.
Sigarillo and cigars etc. Specific charges and taxes on products, which previously ranged from 67 to 80 percent, will also be the same as for cigarettes.
Therefore, during the first 6 months of 2021, the revaluation rate of cigarette and tobacco products did not increase.
Although the flat tax on cigarettes was not affected, the reduction of the SCT proportional to 63 percent, which were the levels in 2019, was considered as a measure taken in the area of the fight against inflation. It is stated that the increase in tax revenues has an effect of 1 point on annual inflation considering its effect on the final price.
In this context, although significant tax losses are not expected, it is also expected to curb illegal sales that are increasing indirectly.