Important messages from Akar at the opening of the academic year


The Minister of National Defense (MSB) Hulusi Akar, accompanied by the Chief of General Staff Yaşar Güler, the Commander of the Land Forces General Ümit Dündar, the Commander of the Naval Forces Admiral Adnan Özbal and the Commander of the Air Force General Hasan Küçükakyüz, visited the Counter-Terrorism Training and Exercise Center Command for the new year attended the opening ceremony.

Akar, who greeted the soldiers, including the Somali and Libyan soldiers, saying “Hello heroes”, and the commanders took their places, and the ceremony began with a moment of silence, the Turkish National Anthem and the National Anthems of Somalia and Libya. .

At the ceremony, first mountaineering demonstrations were performed and then hand-to-hand combat. The commandos demonstrated their skills and training in the melee show, and went through the tower in the mountaineering show. At the end of the demonstrations, the commandos opened the letter “Commandouz we are strong, we are brave, we are ready.”

Akar, who began his speech at the ceremony wishing the new school year would be beneficial, stated that he was going through a delicate period.

Stating that the armies also had important duties in this period, Akar said: “While our armies have very important tasks for the unity, integrity and security, comfort and peace, sovereignty and independence of our countries, their responsibilities increase day by day.” .

Emphasizing that it is a separate matter from this training point of Akar, “the hero of the staff of the Turkish Armed Forces, 83 million main of the 780 thousand square kilometers of our nation from our homeland in Turkey, to ensure the safety of our blue our country and the skies day and night, summer and winter, mountainside “If I die without saying it, if I become a martyr, they are doing their duty in the best way with great success in understanding veterans. “

Stating that the counterterrorism operations of the Turkish Armed Forces are continuing with determination, Akar said: “With great heroism and sacrifice in Northern Iraq, our Air Forces first attacked all targets with Claw-Kartal and destroyed them. Later, Claw-Kaplan and our commandos searched and scanned the terrorists’ lair one by one and demolished them over their heads to set an example to the whole world and neutralize the terrorists there. As TSK, we will save our beloved nation from this terrorist scourge. “We will end this calamity that has plagued us for 40 years by neutralizing the last terrorist and we will ensure the security of our borders and our people.”


Akar stated that while they continued all these activities intensively, they also did everything possible to meet the security needs of friendly and brother countries and that they will continue to do so from now on.

“We have a 500-year history and culture in common with Libya. To be with them in these troubled times, the necessary agreements were made on training, cooperation, consultation and military assistance. With whom did we make this agreement? With the Government of National Consensus (UMH). The UMH is the only legitimate government of Libya recognized by the UN. Therefore, the balances have shifted in a given period after we shared all kinds of knowledge and experiences that we could in terms of military training, cooperation and consulting in accordance with our historical background and common cultural values. Today, our Libyan brothers continue their fight. We have done what we have to do side by side with our Libyan brothers both at the table and in the field, and we will continue to do so until the end. “

Noting that aid is being provided to the illegitimate forces in Libya against the government from many places, Akar said: “We see you all. They have had some attacks and we are following them all. In January, 26 unarmed Libyan military students were killed. All of these were scored. They attacked some facilities owned by our Libyan brothers, all of them tested, followed by witnesses. When the time and place come, these books will be opened and the necessary account will be seen. “

Referring to other security and defense issues, Akar gratefully recalled the words of martyrs and veterans: “The Turkish Armed Forces, also known as the home of the Prophet and emerging from the bosom of this nation, in the light of reason and science, in line with the Constitution and laws, in line with the instructions of our president, ‘If I die, the understanding of veterans’ It is at the disposal of the nation, at the beginning of its duty, enduring all kinds of difficulties. No one should have doubts about this, “he concluded with expressions.

The Commander of the Mountain Command School and Training Center, Major General Emre Tayanç said: “Our goal is to train the coveted commanders of a respectable army that trusts friends and scares the enemy and that the enemy will not even dare. to fight. As commandos, we promise that we will run towards the goal and never back down, aware that the line of contact is the border and the border is honor.

After the reading of the prayers and the traditional sacrifice, the new school year began. Akar and TAF commanders visited the training grounds after the ceremony and chatted with the Somali and Libyan commandos for a time.


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