4 rakat fard midday prayer prayer
1. Competition
Tekir is taken when saying “Allahu Akbar” to say “I intend to pray the four rakat fard for the sake of Allah”.
Subhaneke is read.
Euzü-basma is drawn.
Fatiha’s time is read.
It reads Zamm-ı sura.
It is called “Allahu Akbar” and bows to Rükü: “Subhane Rabbalı Azim” is called three times.
It rises from Rükü: it is called “Semi Allahulimen Hamide – Rabbena lekel Hamd”.
It is called “Allahu Akbar” and goes to Prostration: three times in prostration it is called “Subhane Rabbiyel Ala”. It is called “Allah Almighty” and sit with the Truth again. “Allah Almighty”
His name is and he goes to Prostrate: three times in Prostration he is called “Subhane Rabbiyel Ala”. 2. Rekata
Standing, Kiyama stops.
Bismillahir’s uterus is called the uterus and he takes it to Basmala.
Surah Fatiha is read.
It reads Zamm-ı sura.
It is called “Allahu Akbar” and bows to Rükü: “Subhane Rabbıb Azim” is called three times.
It is called “Allahu Akbar” and it is directed to Prostration: three times in prostration it is called “Suhane Rabbiyel Ala”. It is called “Allah Almighty” and sit with the Truth again. It is called “Allahu Akbar” and it is directed to Prostration: three times in prostration it is called “Suhane Rabbiyel Ala”.
Ettahiyyatu is read sitting down.
3. Competition
Standing, Kiyama stops.
Bismillahir’s uterus is called the uterus and he takes it to Basmala.
Surah Fatiha is read.
It is called “Allahu Akbar” and bows to Rükü: “Subhane Rabbıb Azim” is called three times.
It is called “Allahu Akbar” and goes to Prostration: three times in prostration it is called “Subhane Rabbiyel Ala”. It is called “Allah Almighty” and sit with the Truth again. It is called “Allahu Akbar” and goes to Prostration: It is called “Subhane Rabbiyel Ala” three times in prostration. Rekata
Standing, Kiyama stops.
Bismillahir’s uterus is called the uterus and he takes it to Basmala.
Surah Fatiha is read.
It is called “Allahu Akbar” and bows to Rükü: “Subhane Rabbıb Azim” is called three times. It is correct from Rükü: It is called “Semi Allahulimen Hamide – Rabbena lekel Hamd”. It is called “Subhane Rabbalı Ala” three times. It is called “Allah Almighty” and sit with the Truth again. It is called “Allahu Akbar” and goes to Prostration: three times in prostration it is called “Subhane Rabbiyel Ala”.
He is called “Allah Almighty” and he sits down.
Seated, the prayers of Ettahiyyatu and Alâhumme salli, Alâhumme Bârik and Rabbenâ are read.
Greetings to the right and to the left are given as “salulam alaikum and mercy’ullah”.
Performing 2 rak’ah sunnahs of the midday prayer 1. Rekata
It is purported to say: “I intended to make the last sunnah of the two rak’ahs of the midday prayer today for the sake of Allah”
The hands are raised in such a way that the fingers of both hands are open, with the palms of the thumbs open, and they join together saying “Allah Allah”.
It is called “Euzubillahimineş Şeytanirracim – Bismillahir rahmanir uterus” and Euzü is attracted to Basmala.
It reads Zamm-ı sura.
It is called “Allahu Akbar” and bows to Rükü: “Subhane Rabbıb Azim” is called three times. It is correct from Rükü: It is called “Semi Allahulimen Hamide – Rabbena lekel Hamd”. It is called “Subhane Rabbalı Ala” three times. It is called “Allah Almighty” and sit with the Truth again. It is called “Allahu Akbar” and goes to Prostration: three times in prostration it is called “Subhane Rabbiyel Ala”.
2. Competition
Standing, Kiyama stops.
It is called “Bismillahir rahmanir uterus” and is fed to the basement.
Surah Fatiha is read.
Zammi sura is read.
It is called “Allahu Akbar” and bows to Rükü: “Subhane Rabbıb Azim” is called three times.
It is called “Allahu Akbar” and goes to Prostration: three times in prostration it is called “Subhane Rabbiyel Ala”.
It is called “Allah Almighty” and sit with the Truth again. It is called “Allahu Akbar” and goes to Prostration: three times in prostration it is called “Subhane Rabbiyel Ala”.
It is called “Akbar of Allah” and sits
Seated, the prayers of Ettahiyyatu and Alâhumme salli, Alâhumme Bârik and Rabbenâ are read.
The sentence is completed by greeting left and right as “Es selam aleyküm and mercy’ullah”.