İmamoğlu: We issue the necessary warning to the governorate


IMM President Ekrem İmamoğlu answered journalists’ questions on the agenda ahead of the meeting, where the effects of the drought across the country will be discussed in Istanbul. The highlights of İmamoğlu’s statements are as follows:


“We started the week with our ISKI institution. Our General Manager and any friends we have on water policy are here today. Because, unfortunately, our country is going through a dry season. In fact, we can say that this drought is almost the second year. We experienced a similar drought last year. Our cities face a serious water problem in this regard. Istanbul is one of them. Of course, I express it with regret; Statements made before the elections saying “We solved the water problem in Istanbul by 2040”, sadly, do not represent the truth. What will the solution of urgent problems be like? We will work on an action plan for them today – of course this may not be finalized today – and what solutions we should work with in the short, medium and long term. We have some projects to develop, we will make some preliminary decisions. Hope we fix this problem too. What has been our opportunity to solve the accumulated problems of Istanbul for 20-25 years? We solve infrastructure problems, we continue to solve them; I hope that we will solve Istanbul’s water problem in the fastest way and make Istanbul a city that knows what to do in the short, medium and long term. “


* The dams have problems collecting water because it does not rain. How much water does Istanbul have? Do you also want some advice?

“The dams do not have a water collection problem, they have a drought problem. Of course, we recently did not say “the people of Istanbul have a water problem”. We will talk about the process with our friends and pass on information in the short and medium term to the people of Istanbul. But let’s say this too: Istanbul residents, of course, should be careful. In other words, they should use the water in the most economical way. Actually, there are many principles, such as not pouring water unnecessarily from the tap. We continue broadcasting them in the form of spots, we will continue broadcasting them and informing them. Currently, families are strongly at home; We also see this. In this context, we carefully urge you to pay attention. The water problem of all the people of Istanbul, the city, was not solved until 2040, as was said in the countryside in February 2019. Initially, Melen Dam is not finished. Unfortunately, right now, wild trouble awaits like Kanal Istanbul. To overcome these problems, we will continue with a determined promotion and propaganda activity at the highest level ”.


* There was an investigation initiated by the Ministry of the Interior regarding Kanal Istanbul. The file was closed and required no investigation. May we hear your assessment on this issue?

“It was a ridiculous investigation anyway; unfounded, meaningless. Whoever makes such an unnecessary explanation, I will leave you with your own explanations. I was going to file a criminal complaint against them; But I give up because they are dealing with such unnecessary jobs. I hope they work decent jobs from now on. “


* The TCA audit reports for 2019 are for municipalities. In the IMM report, the free transport card given to mothers, educational aid for university students and the distribution of Halk Süt without direct purchase tenders were considered contrary to the legislation. Will these practices end?

“It definitely won’t end. We are currently responsible for finding solutions to the problems of the people of Istanbul. Because that is how it is defined in the Constitution. There is a definition for mayors who find solutions to the problems of city people such as health and poverty, and they have to live in good conditions. In terms of understanding the social state, there are basic articles of the Constitution; that our country is a social state. In this context, we will definitely not give up on these issues. We will continue with the applications. The Court of Accounts is an old institution. It is a respected organization that has served our country for 158 years. But sometimes they should update their thoughts on some legislation. Because there are current problems. There is a problem of poverty in our country. If we are currently giving a mother the opportunity to move around this city with her child for free, it is an equivalent of poverty. There are more than a million children from 0 to 4 years old in Istanbul. Unfortunately, their mothers and children live equally in the poorest neighborhoods. We have to offer them this opportunity. Because they cannot travel. In other words, a mother cannot go to the doctor with her child, or when a mother goes for her own needs, she cannot leave her child anywhere, but takes him away. In fact, we found solutions to current problems by giving the mother free transportation. In this context, we will continue to address this issue. Of course there are similar problems. There is a problem with the milk. What is it; Tender milk We act according to article 4734 and buy milk from the milk producer in our city. From where? We buy milk from Çatalca and Silivri. True, there is a definition like this: the definition of ‘UHT is industrial’ is true. We distribute milk to children in 961 neighborhoods. Without UHT treatment, the milk has no chance to stay. Therefore, we solve this problem in this way. Its basis is to buy milk from the producer in this city. Therefore, we will continue with this process. We never think there is a legal problem. It is said that they ‘cannot give scholarships’ to young university students on educational support. However, this is not a topic to be discussed. We also support and will continue to support the youth of the city, who have difficulties to earn a living, who have a university education. ”


* The secretary and cameraman of the AK Party Group were assigned to another position. Will they be reinstalled?

“There is no dismissal. We manage IMM staff. Let the AK Party or councilors from other parties take care of their own affairs. All IMM staff are managed by IMM administrators, not councilors. They shouldn’t be dealing with unnecessary work. Let them make the pending decisions in committee. They shouldn’t be grappling with the meaningless agenda. IMM administrators decide where and what staff will work. “


* What will you do for the Public Bread buffets?

“We will do whatever it takes for the buffets. As we find a solution to every problem, we will find it.”


* You have requested an investigation against the former administrators on the grounds that it harms the public; but it was rejected by the government. What do you think about this?

“I mean, I don’t know the details, I’m going to see why he refused. That is, if the government rejected the investigation, it does not mean that the investigation is over. We have other roadmaps. If there is an irregularity that we find, nobody has no doubt that we will address these issues with determination. ” . If it does not make sense, we will issue the necessary warning to the government. “


* Can you give us information on the latest Covid-19 figures?

“The figures, unfortunately, are not the figures that comfort us. I mean, Istanbul had almost as many deaths as the number of deaths in December last year, like the 16th and 17th of the month. I am not interested in these figures, we will implement the action taken or on the ground. Everyone knows the situation is dire right now. Everyone knows that we are dealing with the disease from family members, spouses, friends. We are all upset with the news of death we receive. In very close families, circles, I don’t need to say it. 83 million know it, and 16 million. Certain measures were taken, after our screams certain closures were made, but unfortunately we are experiencing that it was not enough, it did not generate a complete solution to a problem. This is the voice of science, not mine. “
