Husband understood of the ‘SMA campaign’: organization at the service of pharmaceutical companies


Health Minister Fahrettin Koca, Turkey Asset Fund (TVF) exported three-quarters of the £ 75 million of the total ticket jackpot amount, Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) for use in treating children suffering from of the Bell ‘an organization at the service of pharmaceutical companies’ described as.

Photo: AA

The campaign in question was launched tonight, and many politicians and artists participated.

On Twitter share, “We will not allow our children to be used as guinea pigs under pressure from pharmaceutical companies.” Koca said:

“As you know, campaigns are carried out in favor of our children with Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA), which is frequently brought to the agenda of our country. We are responsible for the recovery of each of our patients, regardless of their illness. Especially if one of our patients is a child, he deserves all the priorities at the highest level. The treatment of diseases is carried out following the path of science, not showing false heroism on social networks.

Our state treats our children with SMA using all its means. Abuse of this topic is never acceptable. In our ministry, we have a scientific council made up of scientists who are experts in their fields and with experience in the treatment of SMA, where the treatment of these children is planned.

This committee evaluates the most up-to-date methods in the treatment of our children and implements them as quickly as possible. Financial conditions are not on our agenda in this regard. “

Stating that the Scientific Council of the SMA provides first-hand information to family associations and families, “We do not have a single SMA patient who does not receive treatment in our country” It continued as follows:

“Our government covers all treatment costs for free.

The gene therapy data, which has recently been developed and is on the agenda, was immediately and thoroughly scrutinized by our SMA Scientific Committee, as in the first period. In the past 2 months alone, the scientific establishment has met 5 times to examine drug-related data.

The evidence published in scientific platforms on the efficacy of gene therapy is not yet sufficient and there is no evidence that it is superior to currently administered therapy. Some studies have reported serious side effects, especially liver failure and low platelet count (bleeding tendency).

Furthermore, as part of the gene therapy application procedure, it is necessary to suppress the immune system for at least a period of time, especially in some patients with greater weight, this process can take up to 1 year. In our already fragile SMA patients, infections and suppression of the immune system pose a higher risk, and the process can be fatal during any disease course, regardless of disease.

I would like to clarify the dirty campaign that was carried out on our children with SMA. All treatments that are up-to-date and that work are applied with the recommendation of our SMA Scientific Committee.

We are clearly against the use of our children as guinea pigs. Except for scientific data, we will not allow the game of global pharmaceutical companies. We will not allow our families to be abused.

Currently, there is no concrete data that shows that the method proposed under the name of gene therapy works scientifically. However, this situation is abused by the campaigns carried out by pharmaceutical companies. We will not allow our children to be used as guinea pigs under pressure from the pharmaceutical companies.

There is no collective reaction to a problem. However, as far as we can see, we are faced with an organization that serves the purpose of pharmaceutical companies. The figures mentioned by the organization of the campaign and the proposed financial resources do not represent any additional value to the resource allocated to the treatment of our children.

The main problem here is going beyond the limits of morality and defending global pharmaceutical companies by rendering our state incapable. We will not be a tool in this campaign, which runs a campaign together and tries to render our state incapable.

Campaign for children with SMA: # İkramiyeSmalıÇocuklaraVerilsin
