How many people died yesterday from infectious diseases?


The IMM Cemetery Directorate announced yesterday that 173 more people died in Istanbul due to ‘contagious diseases’. According to the Turkish Ministry of Health yesterday Covidien all those who lost their lives because of the number 182-19.

The Cemetery Directorate has been sharing its data for 7 days after IMM President Ekrem İmamoğlu announced that he would announce the number of deaths from infectious diseases recorded at IMM due to the lack of coronavirus deaths announced by the Ministry of Health .


The Health Ministry announced Turkey’s continued mistrust of the Covidien-19 Table Patient Health Minister’s husband Fahrettin, data released by the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, said the following regarding data released by the Ministry of Health:

“We have a death certificate as before, and this includes the type of death and the cause of death. Also here is the infectious diseases section. We know that before March this was not very crowded.

The place where all patients with signs of infection are processed are infectious diseases. The second part is the cause of death. Covid is written as covid, meningitis is meningitis. As a ministry, we don’t, this is the part that doctors fill out. Is every patient with signs of infection a covid patient? “
