He was accused of seizing confidential documents that were a state secret …


In December 2009, FETO judges and prosecutors became the Chair of the Mobilization Investigation Board in Ankara, and “top-secret” documents that were considered state secrets were seized. The accusation of ‘an assassination attempt on Bülent Arınç’ was used as a ‘key’ to open the door of the Cosmic Room. It was the turn of these documents to be copied and taken abroad.

Two information technology experts, Ünal Tatar and Ebubekir Yalçınkaya, were present at the office of prosecutor Mustafa Bilgili, who carried out the Cosmic Chamber investigation at the Ankara Attorney General’s Office. They had not yet been appointed experts by the Prosecutor’s Office, they did not have an official title. The common characteristic of Mustafa Bilgili, Ünal Tatar and Ebubekir Yalçınkaya was that they were members of FETÖ.


Prosecutor Mustafa Bilgili for the first time unearthed digital materials, which he kept in his private safe, which contained “top secret” documents seized during the search for the Cosmic Room. Ünal Tatar, one of the TÜBİTAK agents in the room, copied the “top secret” documents onto a 1.5TB hard drive. “Cosmic information and documents” were copied for the first time that day and left the hands of the state, the organization in the United States went to the ringleader.

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After the MIT crisis of February 7 and operations on December 17-25, FETO members who infiltrated the state were disappearing. One of them was Ünal Tatar, an expert from the TÜBİTAK Cybersecurity Institute, who copied cosmic information. He was fired from TÜBİTAK on January 6, 2015. However, it was not difficult for Ünal Tatar to find work. He started working at HAVELSAN, affiliated with the Turkish Armed Forces Foundation, just 2 months later. However, he was fired again a week after the press reported on his work at HAVELSAN. It was discussed how that “mystical name” came to HAVELSAN. Unal Tatar traveled to the United States on April 13, 2015 as soon as he was fired.

Breaking news: 'Cosmic Chamber Conspirator' was made a teacher in the US


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Hürriyet found the answer to the whereabouts of fugitive IT expert Ünal Tatar, a former TÜBİTAK officer, who allegedly copied the top-secret cosmic state secret documents and took them abroad.

Turkey in political and military espionage, Feton membership charges requested by Unal Tatar, is serving as an associate professor at the Albany campus of New York University. Tatar is on the academic staff as an expert in internal security and cybersecurity and gives lectures.


FETO fugitive Ünal Tatar also worked with the United States National Security Agency (NSA) during this period in the United States. Tatar lectured on the NSA’s National Cybersecurity Curriculum. The instructor for the trainees who participated in the 12-week program was Ünal Tatar.
At the end of the program held in August 2019, Maureen Turney, director of the NSA’s National Cybersecurity Curriculum, thanked Ünal Tatar with the following words: “Dr. The curriculum developed by Tatar has gone a long way in securing our nation by strengthening the cyber workforce. “


Ünal Tatar also played a role in the Sledgehammer and Odatv conspiracies with expert reports he prepared while working at TÜBİTAK. At BiLgEeE (IT and Information Security Advanced Technology Research Center) in the process serving the Secure Internet Project for General Staff and the Security Testing Project, the National Security Information Systems Security Program, the Safe Internet Test for General Staff, Information Security Management System Consulting Project of Turkey Atomic Energy Agency and Participated in Air Force Consultation Projects.
