Hamza Cebeci is appointed consultant president


The decision on the appointment of Hamza Cebeci as Consulting President was published today in the Official Gazette.

According to the AA news; The appointment was made in accordance with articles 12 and 13 of the Presidential Decree on the Presidential Organization.


Cebeci, born in 1953 in Düzce Gümüşova, is married with 4 children.

He studied high school in the science department of Bilecik Ertuğrul Gazi high school in Gümüşova, primary and secondary school. He went to Germany with the permission of the Ministry in 1974. He returned to Turkey in 1984.

Cebeci Construction National and international trade Tourism Import and export Ltd. began its commercial life in 1986. Sti. founded, remains the owner of the company.

Cebeci, who was a candidate for Refah Parti Bolu in 1987, also participated in the establishment of the AK Party.

Cebeci, who served on various commissions as a member of the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Council in the following years, has been the hospice since 2015.
