Following the Scientific Committee, Health Minister Koca announced the future date of the corona vaccine


The meeting of the Scientific Committee, chaired by the Minister of Health, Fahrettin Koca, ended. While the current number of corona virus cases and loss of life were discussed at the meeting, new measures and distribution of the corona vaccine were also on the agenda. After the meeting, Health Minister Koca conducts assessments on the course of the epidemic.

Highlighted in the statements of the Minister of Health Koca:

* Although I had a great responsibility for myself during the epidemic, I tried to speak with you in any case and communicate developments to you in a timely and clear manner. Every time I came across you, you would listen to me with hope and support me. He accepted me as a member of his family. Thank you individually.

* When the epidemic emerged, it found itself in a dark tunnel in our country like all states in the world. From day one, we tried to illuminate that tunnel with the light of science and see in front of us. Once again in your presence, I would like to thank our Scientific Council for this matter.

* When a light appeared at the end of the tunnel, we witnessed those behind us being thrown forward and those advancing trying to smash. Although this made our work difficult, we continued on our way without giving up science. You are the biggest witness to this.

* The epidemic affected us in all areas. He reorganized the morale of the world. We witnessed countries confiscating each other’s relief materials. Our habits have changed, there have been innovations like greetings, shopping, organizing meetings, school meetings. These were painful changes, I am aware.

* History will mention these years as the years of the great epidemic, starting in 2019, which gave the disease its name. In Germany, 325 people per million people died from this disease. There were 789 people in Sweden, 984 in the United States, who achieved the highest number of deaths, and 984 people in England who reached the agenda with the mutation allegation. In Turkey it reached 216.

* Our daily number of cases was around 80 thousand during the first peak period. Recently, countries like the United Kingdom have tried to explain the uncontrolled increase in cases by linking the mutation of the virus. The epidemic equated those who said they were developed, those who were thought to be backward. In our country, in the second half of October, a rapid increase in cases began.

* Our intensive care hospitals have begun to struggle to ease the burden. There has been a 100 percent increase in many provinces. Common general measures have been implemented. In accordance with the course of the epidemic, we lived through a period in which local resources were mobilized by making individual evaluations in our provinces, and generalized contact tracing was carried out in addition to increasing the number of radiation teams.

* We continue our meetings with our provincial governors and health administrators to share with the public. The daily number of cases decreased by 66 percent in Gaziantep, Tekirdağ, Bursa, Izmir 60 percent, Trabzon, Adana 50 percent, Kayseri Kocaeli 45 percent, Antalya 30 percent and Mersin 30 percent. While there was a significant decrease in the number of cases in Istanbul, this was reflected in 50 percent of admissions to outpatient clinics and 20 percent to intensive care.

* I would like to thank our Minister of the Interior Süleyman Soylu and our governors for their support and contribution in the realization of all the resources at the provincial level. The world has focused on measures relating to the mutation of the virus. We also implement the measures without delay.


* It should be known that this mutation has been present since September. Coronavirus is a droplet-borne disease. The mutation can have a multiplier effect. However, mutations and variations are periodically examined.

* Apparently, the mutation that has been around since September has caught the attention of stakeholders while investigating the uncontrolled increase in cases in the UK. Turkey’s care measures from the beginning of the disease is one of the earliest countries. Our research on mutations continued.


* I know that the topic you are most curious about today is the vaccine. Once again, I would like to explain why we prefer inactivated vaccines. The oldest known vaccination method is the inactivated vaccine method. It is a method of killing the virus after reproducing in suitable environments and injecting it to recognize the body. This is not the first time that you have been vaccinated with this type of vaccine for immunization purposes.

* It is the method from which we are sure of the benefit we have experienced before. In addition, three leading vaccine studies in our country are inactive vaccines. However, 2 candidate vaccines in our country have reached the stage of human experiments. Similarly, our virus-like particle-based vaccine is in the human experiment stage.

* From the very beginning, our own people who influence the clinical studies in Turkey, declare that we want to use the vaccine has been shown to use a vaccine. We have awaited the concrete results of the clinical studies and we have tried to act. The phase 3 study of our inactivated vaccine continues with success. See if vaccinated volunteers will get the disease if they get vaccinated with real vaccines or placebo.

* Presented the intermediate results of the study at our institution to our Science Board. With the evaluations of our Scientific Committee, we were sure of the effect that our vaccine had on our own people in the use of it in our country. Our teachers who conducted the study will share the details soon. The doses of vaccine from China to be sent to the Turkish authorities have completed the approval process.

* We are now confident that the Chinese vaccine is 91.25 percent effective in Turks. Ready in the producers’ warehouses, according to our news, if nothing goes wrong, the night that connects the market to Monday starts. I believe that today, as a nation, will be the harbinger of our transition from this time of narrowness to days of breadth.

* The faith and determination of our nation is great enough to overcome all kinds of problems. I hope this good news is beneficial to our country and humanity. There will be vaccination from Monday. Our Scientific Committee has developed a 4-stage strategy. There are health professionals first, we will start with them. In the first stage, there are about 9 million people.

* There was a contract problem with the German Biontech vaccine, but the problem seems to be overcome. We will also use this vaccine widely. For the German vaccine, the contract for 4.5 million doses by the end of March, optionally 30 million doses, can be signed today tomorrow.

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