Fatih Terim: I have no thoughts like the Presidency


Here are Fatih Terim’s explanations:

We had to determine an understanding of the game and develop an understanding of the game from the players who could make it to the top 11 by forcing the chances we have, not the players according to that understanding of the game. Chess is considered one of the most strategic games known in the world. If they had made it a game of strategy to be in my seat last year, very few people would level up. We had a season where I wanted everyone to be sure they were doing more.

There were injuries last year. For an actor, standing affects both the body and the emotion and the mind. All the players are also professionals. A professional has to be motivated and prepared in every situation and crisis. Galatasaray is not the only one living this. The whole world and the actors lived in this pandemic period. An additional situation occurred. Oddly enough, we still live. We get away from the nature of work. As life progresses, we try to get used to it.

An interesting situation arose. Therefore, gamers were also greatly affected by this incident (Corona virus outbreak). They did not know how to move. We also. All units declared a state of emergency in Florya. We take action by saying how we can overcome this with the least harm. The actors were told. The biggest problem was this. You practice in the morning, rest at noon, go back to training in the afternoon and go home. What were they doing, who are their guests, who are their drivers? We try to control them. The actors also understood the seriousness of the work. We are talking about young men, after all. Nothing will happen to me. Psychology exists all over the world. The most important thing is this. There is a fact in the game that affects us all. Especially there are no fans who are influencing the good and bad behavior of the player. This is a nuisance.

The fans had a great impact on the success of Galatasaray. We experienced this best in 1996-2000. In recent years, the change in the sociology of society and the introduction of technology more and more, the audience has joined the audience. I especially separate the fans and the public. The atmosphere of the game changes, whatever else is in the stadium. Galatasaray continues to be a team with more fans than public. fans continue to be a driving force for us. When I play, I trust both my fans and my team.

Infrastructure and equity are important, but before infrastructure, we should look at superstructures. When you look at the big picture, it is obvious that the doors of the clubs must be closed. Other clubs are different, but from my point of view, the situation at Galatasaray is not acceptable. These words will also be mentioned about the presidency, let me put it clearly once again. I have no such thought. From time to time we say that it does not go like that directly at press conferences. The sea is over. Which administration makes a better loan contract, which administration has a good relationship with local or international leagues, which makes collection easier? These are left behind. We are not talking about a convertible loan. Even the interest on the loans is not affordable. Anyway, no one can say that I have an exit plan. Even if you win the championship every year or lift a trophy in the Champions League, it is difficult to pay the debts.

How do we move towards infrastructure? Are we going to sell the properties? Will we run this business with sponsors? Are we going to find a partner? We’re going to sell. We can’t talk about any of this. I’ll tell you why. Galatasaray is our sacred. A global brand with its history and values. We say that this value will be wasted and its values ​​will change. You will hear it for years. One of the most important values ​​of Galatasaray is “the arm breaks, it stays in the yen”. Did you accidentally break your arm or was it deliberately and intentionally broken? I like to talk about certain topics clearly. Let’s go to the infrastructures. I hear a lot: ‘Sir, if players like Ozan come out, the club will survive.’ 11 million euros come from the sale of Ozan. What percentage of this money went to the academy? ‘Zero.’ The reason is that you have to hire new players, pay the debt or pay the salary. There is no such item in the budget. The academy does not have that budget. How much salary does my coach receive who trains bards? He receives a salary between 2,500 and 4,000 TL. These friends work 6 days a week. Working in the biggest club in Turkey is growing and Poets. Woe to us if we think of Anatolia. The concept of the young player is changing now. There is the concept of social networks, environment, family. These change the player. Then from time to time it is said why the young player is not playing. So we all know that some young names can’t take time. It just isn’t enough. The concepts of how they handle pressure and stress, their perceptions, practices or levels are necessary to attract them to a certain place. Play with young players anywhere in the world and become champions every year, the expectation is understandable but not applicable. This is the case of the infrastructures that are seen as the future of the clubs. Will new Bards come out? Is the infrastructure sufficient for the future of the clubs?

We had a Golden Horn Conference. I made suggestions for the roadmap. In fact, it is very simple to do. An understanding that does not come from football. Before there was a league called A League. His name and status were later changed. In these teams young names played who could not get time in the first team. But that changed 1.5 years ago. Because philosophy was this. If a player who has reached the U21 level cannot take time in team A, it was said that he would close this league and was removed. Hundreds of children were exposed and unemployed. Later, the reserve league app was introduced. What happened next now? Later, the league, which was eliminated at the request of one or two clubs, was announced by the TFF as League B. A letter was sent saying that club participation is optional. The status and criteria outlined for Team B holidays. Probably no sound can be made. It is not a piece of cake. The letter was sent that not all the lower leagues will be available, including U17. But U14, U, 15, U16, U17 are not playing. Turkish football is very threatened. To those who ask me, I say: “What is true, that is”. Now I think I will post these images again next year. Because when these rules are discussed again, there will be important results. As for foreigners, I explained this rule to Mr. Demirören when he was director of football. I told about it at the last club association meeting. I was the person who would take the most damage here. You will see that I run this risk, there are many examples of this in the world, and foreigners are free. There were also additional fees there. When we look at it like this, the champions are Spain, Germany, France … The scale of the event is not here. In fact, the rule was the Turkish player rule. You can’t play without 14 Turkish players. Who plays how many Turks is paid for it. In fact, the player to play from the infrastructure was 2 times. It was not very popular with the clubs. Maybe it still exists. We had a lot of players in reserve with huge euros. He was sitting on these coins without getting bored. We see some things sitting today. One is that everyone wants to play. He just prefers not to leave Turkey. I am proud to see them rattle.

We saw that there was no problem with the Selection. After this decision, we went on to the 2016 European Championship. Perhaps this could be done like this. We think that the missing places or, let’s say, places that need to be renovated can be done, it is more clear and suitable for our country. There was not much prohibition in the world. I am not referring to nationals and foreigners. Just as our children go to play outside, they receive a lot of attention, we should think the same of others. I think it is one of the correct decisions.
