Fatih Portakal, who left FOX TV, announced his new address


Journalist Fatih Portakal, who left FOX TV, announced that he would continue to report on the YouTube channel by sharing videos from his Twitter account. Portakal also stated that there will be interviews on the channel.

Portakal, who announced that he reached 200 thousand followers in 20 days on YouTube, said: “Actually, after retiring, I thought I would be on social media after my resignation, but I didn’t think it would be that much.

Especially on YouTube. Now, there is no limit to reaching people, you can see that it cannot be done only through the television environment. That is why I made the decision to enter YouTube. We surpassed 200 thousand subscribers in 20 days. What I want to do here is reveal the issues and get information from those who have knowledge and share it with you. From time to time, I will receive guests on the live broadcast. I will make your voices heard. “
