Face-to-face education decisions on private schools of the Ministry of National Education


The General Directorate of Special Education and Guidance of the Ministry of National Education (MEB) sent a letter to the provincial directorates of national education, which includes the technical details of the face-to-face training application that will begin on September 21.

According to the letter sent with the signature of Mehmet Nezir Gül, General Manager of Special Education and Guidance Services, the 2020-2021 academic year will continue with the use of “face-to-face and distance education” opportunities in official and private educational institutions affiliated to the Ministry of National Education due to the Kovid-19 outbreak.

Bomb decisions of the Ministry of Education regarding face-to-face education

Since some of the students with special education needs will continue their education through full-time integration, special education kindergartens, special education kindergartens, special education practice schools, those who are enrolled in the first grade at the first level and within special education elementary schools and other elementary schools. Those who are enrolled in the first grade in the special education classes where the combined classroom practice is applied, will continue their education on Monday, September 21, face-to-face education and distance / live education, and distance / live education in other class levels.

However, in face-to-face education, parental preference will be taken as the basis for ensuring student attendance at school. In case parents have an excuse not to send students to face-to-face education, students will continue their distance / live education.

Students who will receive face-to-face training will continue their education one day during the adaptation week and two days a week in the following weeks. In this process, face-to-face education will be supported by distance / live lessons.


During the integration week, groups will be formed from the students who are in a branch in the face-to-face educational activity, taking into account the physical conditions of the school and the density of students. Class time will be reduced to 30 minutes and students will be able to leave school at 12.30 noon. In addition, as part of the fight against Kovid-19, lunch will be suspended in schools.

During adaptation week, first grade enrolled in special education kindergartens, special education kindergartens, special education practice schools, and first grade enrolled in special education elementary schools and other elementary schools, according to the density of students The group of students formed from one branch will participate in the integration activities only one day a week this week, on different days. At other grade levels, the integration week activities will be conducted by teachers in the same way as a live / distance lesson.

Between September 21 and 25, 2020, adaptation activities and performance evaluation and determination studies will be carried out that will be the basis of the students’ Individualized Education Programs (BEP). The group and individual classroom and distance / face-to-face course schedule, which will be created according to the individual characteristics of the student, will be shared with the parents. The school administration will make the necessary arrangements for remote access / live lessons.

The school adaptation activities will be carried out using the book “Adaptation activities for special students”, which will be published on the website of the General Directorate of Special Education and Guidance Services. Teachers will be able to identify and implement different activities for face-to-face education and different activities for distance / live education from the activity book.


The disinfection work will be carried out on Wednesdays, when face-to-face training is suspended. The distance / live education activity of the teachers will continue these days, including the integration week.

During the implementation of the adaptation activities, the school administration will assign teachers from branches and fields such as religious culture and moral knowledge, visual arts, music, physical education, computer science. The school management will carry out the necessary coordination so that the teachers do not suffer additional lessons during the integration week and all subsequent periods.

In the weeks after September 28, classroom education will continue to form two clusters, reducing course time to 30 minutes and ensuring that students leave school by 12.30 no more than. Special education class teachers practicing blended classrooms will form a student / student group in first grade and practice face-to-face training for two days. It will provide live / distance education to its students at other grade levels.

The first of the groups of students who receive face-to-face education will teach face-to-face classes from Monday to Tuesday and the second from Thursday to Friday. The other group, who did not receive face-to-face training that day, will be able to participate remotely / face-to-face in the group talk, which is given in person by the teacher under the coordination of the school’s management. Both groups will be provided to continue their distance / live education on Wednesdays.

After September 28, your teachers will request remote / live lessons for all students in other grade levels according to weekly lesson schedules. Distance / live lesson planning will be carried out in groups or individually, taking into account the individual differences of the students. Lesson times will be shortened and the utmost care will be taken to reach all students.

Teachers will notify parents of remote / live lesson planning and parent follow-up will be provided. The provincial and district directorates of national education and the school directorates shall be obliged to guarantee that students of all groups with disabilities benefit from educational activities in the best possible way, within local means.

The practical / vocational lessons of special education schools will be carried out remotely / live on digital platforms belonging to the Ministry of National Education with a very rich application and sample course videos. These courses may be carried out in person in the future in accordance with the instructions of the Ministry of National Education.


The accommodation activities in the special education vocational high schools (vocational high schools for the hearing and physically impaired) will be conducted remotely / live according to the adaptation week sample lesson schedule. After September 28, the lessons of the Anatolian Vocational Program, which was accepted in accordance with the decision of the Board of Education and applied in these schools, will be taught by distance / live education to students who were divided into two groups.

The situations of students studying at home or in the hospital will be fully processed in the e-School Management Information System and the course programs for these students will be assigned to teachers. Face-to-face education will be provided for students who choose to be homeschooled in kindergarten / classroom and first grade. The face-to-face education conditions will apply in the same way for students who are homeschooled in these classes. Students who are homeschooled at other grade levels will follow the distance education program at their own grade level under the supervision of the classroom teacher in which they are enrolled.

The contents elaborated by the General Directorate of Special Education and Guidance Services of “www.orgm.meb.gov.tr”, “tid.meb.gov.tr”, EBA and mobile applications and digital platforms such as YouTube and Instragram. In addition, conference videos for special education students, prepared for EBA TV and planned as 20 course hours per week, will be included in the programs notifying parents according to individual student needs by teachers.

The psychosocial support program prepared will be implemented by all teachers through face-to-face education or distance education, and psychosocial support services will be provided to students and parents. In addition, parent activities will be available in the “Adaptation Activities for Special Students” book.

The work and procedures to ensure the conditions required for hygiene in schools will be carried out in accordance with the “Guide for the improvement of hygiene conditions and the control of infection prevention in educational institutions” and the “Guide to study and management of outbreaks of Kovid-19 “published by the Ministry of Health in the field of the fight against Kovid-19. In addition, the contents of the “Information Guide for Students, Information Guide for Parents and Information Guide for Administrators and Teachers” prepared by the Ministry of National Education will be shared with relevant people and awareness will be raised.

All schools and special education institutions affiliated with the General Directorate of Special Education and Guidance Services will carry out activities within the scope of the “My School is Clean” certification program and will complete their efforts to obtain the certificate in question.


Considering that some students who need special education may have trouble wearing masks and complying with social distance in face-to-face education, teachers will try to pick up this habit.

Problems related to the Electronic Schools Management Information System, where student affairs and procedures are carried out, such as registration, transfer, grade improvement and grade advancement, will be resolved mainly through the provincial and district national directorates of education and, where appropriate, unresolved situations will be reported to MoNE through the governorates.

Seating for students who will continue their face-to-face education in school bus vehicles will be arranged in a way that maintains social distance and avoids contact with each other. Additionally, parents will be banned from school buses, will wear a mask when needing to get on the school bus due to force majeure, and will be guaranteed not to sit in a seat other than the one specified. The monitoring of the transportation service provided by school bus vehicles will be done by the national directorates of education.

A department will be created for parents who are forced to be in school due to the situation of the student who continues face-to-face education, where they cannot contact students. It will be mandatory for parents to wear masks during their stay at the school. Parents will be asked to be sensitive to compliance with hygiene rules.
