Example of Ülker Group and Sabancı de Doğu Perinçek


The President of the Fatherland Party, Doğu Perinçek, made notable statements.

Presented by Mehmet Akif Ersoy in Habertürk “What is it not?” Perinçek, who was a guest on the show, was asked to “We are in the same boat” Regarding his policy, he said:

“We are in the same boat,” he says, “We are in the same middle of the Turkish Alliance.” Turkish ship, advancing from victory to victory. Since 1945, we connected the Atlantic system, we are in a period of the best of Turkey “.

Perinçek, the question about whether Turkey’s orientation towards Asia is cyclical, told Ulker Group and Sabanci instance. Perinçek, “Mr. Guler Sabanci, asked him: ‘What could be the place of Turkey?’ He answered the question with a single sentence: ‘The production is in Asia’ Once again, Ülker owner Murat Ülker’s analyzes and investments in China show that big capital has developed in Asia … all the solutions in Asia. In short, the right climate for the First Turkish Revolution here. All aspects of the miserable condition of the West ” he affirmed.

Perinçek’s statements in the program are as follows:

We do not express our policy as “Mr. Erdogan has come to our line.” “We are in the same boat” means, “We are in the same Alliance of Turkey.” Turkish ship, going from victory to victory. Since 1945, we have connected the Atlantic system, we are in a period of the best of Turkey. Turkey is forced to drown in debt and divisions break our chains in the Atlantic economy. It quietly passed the United States government to Turkey. He made his way to the US and got a power license from there. Now, whoever opposes the Atlantic remains in that government.


The first partner of our foreign trade is Russia and the second partner is China. So we are separated from the Atlantic in the economy. We seek security… The Atlantic system has imposed surrender and disintegration on us. Turkey’s policy towards “so-called Kurdistan, 2. I will break you to establish the state of Israel,” they said. Ergenekon conspiracies, coup attempt of July 15 … All were threats focused on the Atlantic. We couldn’t agree on the split and he didn’t … well, our president said at the Victory Day celebrations in Baku, Mr. Erdogan said, ‘Turkey, Russia, Iran, Azerbaijan, Georgia are producing a draw in Western Asia. If Armenia gets into this then it should come. ‘ Of course, this determination is made after the Astana process and the Sochi reconciliation experiences. It is once again affirmed that our country has also settled in Asian positions in security. The proposal of the Caucasus Platform will strengthen the Asian position.


This process is objective. Party of the Fatherland, Atlantic and Asia fell many years ago – Eurasia has seen the rise and detects the current position of Turkey. Erdogan also announced from the United Nations (UN) rostrum. He said: ‘The pendulum of history has swung to Asia’ Turkey is making its Asian expansion, announced that both the president and Foreign Minister Cavusoglu. It is a very precise historical and strategic determination. The government is not alone, and this fact means TUSIAD, the largest conglomerates in Turkey. ‘ Mr. Guler Sabanci, asked him: ‘What could be the place of Turkey?’ He answered the question with a phrase: ‘Production is in Asia’ Once again, Ülker owner Murat Ülker’s analyzes and investments in China show that big capital has undergone development in Asia. Production, technology, inventions, artificial intelligence, solution to the coronavirus … all in Asia. Briefly favorable weather for the First Turkish Revolution here. The West, on the other hand, is in a miserable condition in all respects. You will make the following decision: Will you participate in contemporary civilization? Or will you drag your feet? “


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