Erhan Afyoncu: we renew our curriculum along the national line


Lieutenants who successfully completed the National Defense University Military Academy received their diplomas in a ceremony attended by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

Diploma of the War Schools of the National Defense University and Ceremony of Delivery of the Banner, President Erdoğan, President of the Assembly Mustafa Şentop, Vice President Fuat Oktay, Minister of National Defense Hulusi Akar, Chief of the General Staff Yaşar Güler, Commander of the Land Forces General Ümit Dündar, Commander of the Naval Forces Admiral Adnan Özbal It was held at the Military Academy, where intensive measures were taken in the field of combat against coronavirus with the participation of the Air Force commander, General Hasan Küçükakyüz.

Upon arrival at the ceremony, President Erdogan greeted the students by saying “Hello, cadet.”

After a minute of silence and the Turkish National Anthem, Brigadier General Alparslan Yücel Soysal, Commander of the Air Force Academy, declared that 270 lieutenants from the Turkish Military Academy, 194 from the Naval Academy and 177 from the Academy of the Air Force qualified to graduate today.

The lieutenant in step proudly taking his career diploma “strong army, strong Turkey” with faith in their hearts felt the support of the Turkish nation expressing Soysal, he said:

“Our goal in education and training in military schools is to respond quickly to all threats and risks to the survival of our homeland and the peace and security of our beloved nation, loyal to its homeland, nation, state, flag and TAF, national, democratic and embracing the cultural values ​​of their nation and train officers in active duty with high quality and physical strength that protect these values.

The events that occurred in our country as a result of the atrocious coup attempt on July 15, 2016 have deeply moved our country and the Turkish Armed Forces. It is exemplary the disaster that dragged our state and nation who are devoid of patriotic love, discipline and who betray their military oath. In order not to find such acts of treason that directly threaten the survival of our state and nation, the schools of the Army, Navy and Air War are aware of their responsibility to raise generations free of thought, conscience and wisdom in the light of science. and the reason “.

– “We have completely renewed our study plan following the national lines”

Rector of the National Defense University Prof. Dr. Erhan Afyoncu also recalled that four years ago one of the greatest betrayals in world history occurred.

Afyoncu noted that they first discovered the destruction in schools when he took office, and claimed that they began education with invited military personnel from friendly and brother countries on October 31, 2016.

Stating that at that time there were only 126 graduates, Rector Afyoncu said: “This year, the number of our graduates from three military schools, four noncommissioned officer schools and war institutes is 3,371.”

Afyoncu stated that these days are not easy to come, “in overcoming these difficulties, the most important thing was the kindness of the Turkish nation. Each member of this nation, of which I am honored to be a member, provided all kinds of support.” .

Referring to the great support of President Erdogan, Afyoncu said:

“The National Defense University continues its activities as a family of approximately 25 thousand people with its 17 thousand students and 8 thousand employees. Many of the studies we did upset some people, and were the subject of some reports. But our nation can be sure of that, whatever happens, we 2,200. We will train our students in this way by acting with the knowledge and culture of the annual Turkish history and culture.

We completely renew our curriculum along the national line. At the same time, we are beginning to get our students to graduate in many strategic subjects. For example, four of our students are pursuing their doctorate in maritime law and our military schools have begun participating in defense industry projects.

Addressing the young lieutenants, Afyoncu said: “Dear brother lieutenants, there are two places that you will be attached to throughout your life: one is the Turkish nation, the other is democracy. This nation writes to those who serve them in letters of gold and throw those who betray to the trash of history. Never forget this and this saint. Continue to serve the nation with your blood throughout your life, all of you may be happy. ” He spoke in the form.

– Graduation moment

After Air Lieutenant Şerafettin Ger, who graduated from the Air Force Academy on behalf of the graduate lieutenants, took the graduation oath, the first of the Kara and Air War schools put on the stars and plaques of their epoch in age records.

Mujahid Şamil Doğan, who graduated from the Naval Academy in the first place, had the year 247 scabbard delivered to slack with the specific rules and principles of the Marines.

After his speech, President Erdogan presented diplomas to the lieutenants who finished their school first.

Other students who qualified their diplomas were presented by the Speaker of Parliament Şentop, Vice President Oktay, Minister of National Defense Akar, Chief of Staff General Güler, Commander of the Land Forces, General Dundar, Commander of the Naval Forces , Admiral Özbal, the Commander of the Air Force, General Küçükakyüz, the Deputy Minister of National Defense Yunus Emre Karaosmanoğlu. He took the rector of Afyoncu.

After the invited lieutenants who graduated with a degree received their diplomas, the handover of banners from the Army, Naval and Air Warfare schools took place.

The ceremony ended after commanders from the Army, Naval and Air Force academies presented swords and diplomas to the starboard and starboard guards.

Leaving the ceremony area, President Erdogan congratulated the new lieutenants and said: “I wish you all the best in your new workplaces, I wish you happiness with your families. Trust us to Allah.”

The cadets responded to President Erdogan by saying “Thank you.”
