Elon Musk: Something quite false is happening in the virus! “


Minister of Health, Fahrettin Koca, “The mask will soon be out of our lives. There are great advances in the studies of the COVID-19 vaccine. Let’s wait for the result.” said.

Of the husband “there are great advances”Is Dan referring to national vaccines or the CEO of BioNTech in Germany? Uğur ŞahinIt is not clear if it is the vaccine that has supposedly been found.


Uğur ŞahinHe said he is confident that the vaccine will end the corona virus outbreak. Hawk, the vaccine “in more ways than one” He said the corona virus attacked:

“The vaccine prevents Covid-19 from entering our cells. But even if the virus has somehow entered, it hits the cells on the head of the virus and kills it. We have trained the immune system very well to perform these two defensive actions. Now we know that the virus itself is against these mechanisms. I cannot defend. “

From this explanation, it is understood that the vaccine consists of smart molecules. So do we know what kind of consequences the vaccine will have after Covid-19 in the RNA sequence will have long-term consequences? Or who knows


By the way HawkHe said it is not yet clear whether the vaccine will have a different effect on different ethnic groups. What does this mean? Here is Assoc. Dr. Oytun ErbasWhen they said that the coronavirus would affect Asian men with many ACE / 2 proteins, they conditioned their ideological attitude towards science, and they made such an uproar that the man had to remain silent. It is now understood that not only viruses can be produced, but even vaccines depending on ethnic group.

Uğur Şahin, “Drug research should never be a political tool …” But the European Union signed contracts with these companies to receive 300 million doses of vaccine if the coronavirus vaccine developed by BioNTech and Pfizer was safe. Isn’t this a political decision, not a scientific one?


On the other hand, Uğur Şahinbefore the corona virus outbreak Bill gatesIt turned out to be one of 4 vaccine manufacturers invested by. Bill gatesDonated $ 55 million to BioNTech in 2019. Money, “Cancer treatment using RNA technology” It’s probably a coincidence that the corona virus is also related to RNA sequencing …

Uğur Şahin in the scientific journal The Lancet in January 2020 “The cannabis corona virus in China” who understood that this virus will become a global pandemic, and immediately assembled his team to produce vaccines “speed of light project”Says it started. It is not believable! Because the main article on the corona virus in the Lancet was published in 2015 …

In addition, all the scientists on the subject assure that if the virus mutates every year, the vaccines developed today will not be valid.

People got used to the mask first, then to the HES code … Next is the mandatory vaccine. Without a vaccine, you will not be able to leave the house. Maybe they won’t leave you alone even at home … Humanity can transform into robots that can be controlled remotely, whose RNA is degraded …


Tesla and the CEO of SpaceX, who tried to control the world from space and said they would not recognize Earth’s law in space. Elon musk announced that he underwent tests for the corona virus four times the same day, two of these tests were positive and two negative.

Musk, “Something extremely false is happening. Today I was tested for Kovid four times. Two tests were negative, two were positive. Same machine, same test, same nurse.” used expressions.

Muskpreviously, large-scale quarantines and curfews “fascism” Y “violation of individual freedom” described as.
