‘Earthquakes on the Tuz Gölü fault may be the harbinger of a major earthquake’


After the 5.1 magnitude earthquake that took place in Niğde last Sunday, Aksaray was shaken on Thursday at 04.01 with a 4.4 magnitude earthquake. Making a statement after the earthquake that was felt in Niğde, the Director of DAUM and Faculty Member of the Department of Geological Engineering, Prof. Dr. Hasan Sözbilir said that after the main earthquake, there were more than 40 aftershocks and the tremors came closer to Aksaray compared to previous earthquakes. In drawing attention to the direction of the earthquakes, the tremors occurred on small-scale faults that occur in a certain direction to the main fault. He explained that many faults can produce earthquakes in a way that they will trigger each other.

He said: “There is the Hasan Mountain volcano in this region. The age of the volcano and the age of the fault are the same. They are both geological structures that have been operating for 10,000 years. We know that the Hasan Mountain volcano erupted some time ago. 28 thousand years ago. Then it erupted 9 thousand years ago. ” “We can say that Hasan Mountain erupted during the Çatalhöyük period.” In stating that Hasan Mountain is an active volcano, Prof. Dr. In stating that steam outlets occur in the region near the summit, Hasan Sözbilir stated that whether or not the volcano swells should be measured with geological studies. In Turkey, about science, Sözbilir began by explaining that this type of work of people, the Council of Scientific and Technological Research of Turkey (TUBITAK) was approved in the region appointed a team that begins to work. It continued as follows:

“Both the vibration of the crust and the vertical movements in the region must be constantly monitored. The relationship of these structures must be revealed. The period of recurrence of the earthquake has been revealed at the end of the excavations of the Tuz Gölü fault. This period has been several thousand years. There are many times when devastating earthquakes occur. And this time has passed. Today’s earthquakes may be the harbinger of a larger earthquake. Time will tell. But what kind of correlation exists between the current earthquakes and the volcano relationship, the study needs to be completed to reveal this. The faults are activated by each other due to the edge of the Tuz Gölü fault in this region. Such earthquakes can be expected to continue within a certain period time. There are many faults here. They are interconnected. All of them are connected to the main fault towards Aksaray. There are 6 fault segments, to be able to produce earthquake those who shoot each other. go. The fault is about 200 kilometers long. It is known to produce earthquakes of up to 7.2 degrees of magnitude. It can produce earthquakes of this magnitude in the future.


Member of the Board of Directors of DAUM, Department of Geophysical Engineering, Dr. Mehmet Utku gave information about the work of the TÜBİTAK team in the region. Calling attention to the sensitivity of public opinion to earthquakes in Turkey, recalling that in a country of earthquakes, Dr. Utku, “people with relevant experience in the earthquake trying to calculate that earthquake. That happened on September 20 , and then the earthquake in about 3 km deep, have also experienced the same sensitivity. This characteristic of the earthquake was that it was a nearby volcano. There are already a lot of volcanoes in Turkey “The fact that it is close to the volcano of the Hasan mountain and the Tuz Gölü fault made us think of different things compared to other earthquakes. TÜBİTAK sent a team to the region to understand if the earthquake was volcanic or not. This team will install seismometers around the volcano and monitor earthquakes there with instruments. “Noting that the team will establish a series of stations that can understand the earthquake activity, not with a single tool, and create a network, Dr. Utku indicated It will be discovered if the earthquakes recorded in that region were caused by the volcano.

‘WHOLE TURKEY seismic zone’

The expression of Turkey that they have sufficient infrastructure in this regard Dr. Mehmet Utku said the following:

“It is difficult to give time on the study for the results to emerge. This is the beginning. In the new studies of certain institutions in our country, the volcanoes that have been operating in the last 10,000 years will be monitored with seismic and geophysical instruments. The instrumental observation network must be continuous. In the first stage, recent earthquakes are volcanic in origin. Understand that, but then it should be reviewed in planning the layout of the city. The whole area of ​​the earthquake in Turkey. Nigde and Salt continue seismic activity in the southwestern part of the lake. Geologists are investigating whether the origin of volcanism from this seismic activity. Consequently, new measures were taken. At least 6 stations should be established for this study. Engineers and technical staff are working. “

'Earthquakes on the Tuz Gölü fault may be the harbinger of a major earthquake'
