Does the blood type protect from the coronavirus? Member of the Scientific Committee answered this question!


Latest news … Ankara City Hospital Emergency Medicine Clinic Training Officer and member of the Coronavirus Scientific Committee of the Ministry of Health Asoc. Dr. Afşin Emre Kayıpmaz made a statement to DHA regarding the relationship between the blood groups and Covid-19.

Stating that national and international studies have been conducted on this topic, Kayıpmaz said:
“There is a study published by Hacettepe University. In this study, it was revealed that the vast majority of people with positive coronavirus tests were in group ‘A’, followed by group ‘0’. But there is a concluding statement very important here; ‘although patients Although certain blood groups are seen more frequently, this blood group has no effect on the clinical course of the disease. ”This means that when we refer to the clinical course, the intubation rates of the patients, intubation rates or mortality rates, blood groups and these criteria of clinical evolution are among the criteria that I have mentioned, a statistically significant relationship was not shown.


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Kayıpmaz stated that his opinion is that ‘certain blood groups are protected from this disease’, ‘they are less trapped’ and that they should not engage in reckless behaviors, ” No matter what blood type, although studies have shown that it is rarer in patients with certain blood groups. The measurements are the same for all blood groups. In the study I mentioned, it was revealed that the most frequently observed blood group in patients diagnosed with coronavirus was group ‘A’, followed by group ‘0’, followed by group ‘B’ and the last group ‘AB’. As I said, regardless of the person’s blood type, the blood type has no protective aspect against the coronavirus, ”he said.


Stating that with the increase in vaccine production, producing countries and companies have entered into serious competition, Kayıpmaz said:
“We look at what types of vaccines are vaccines. One is vaccines based on the principle of delivering the weakened or killed virus, called inactivated vaccine, into the body and getting an antibody response against it. The second is vaccines, which we call vaccines. vector vaccines, and the third are vaccines described as mRNA vaccines. Some of the vaccines are inactive, some are mRNA, some are vectors. Production of mRNA is easier and more vaccines can be produced in less time than inactive ones. The downside here is the need to store at minus 70 degrees. This creates a serious problem in terms of vaccine distribution. When you look at the public in terms of cost, you can see that mRNA and inactivated vaccines have a similar cost, and vector vaccines are also cheaper. Inactivated vaccines are a well-known and familiar method used in other diseases for many years. mRNA vaccines are a technology to newer. It will disrupt the genetic makeup of your DNA. there is no question. “


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Noting that it is easier to store and distribute active vaccines, Kayıpmaz said: “When we look at these vaccines in this regard, I personally prefer to be the inactive vaccine because it has been produced with the method used in vaccine production for years, and its efficacy is It has been shown in emergency services workers and studies abroad. “The cost of the inactivated vaccine is not less than the cost of the mRNA vaccine, it is almost the same cost. I personally prefer inactivated vaccines, “he said.
