Departure of the NATO S-400 to Turkey – Last minute World News


with Turkey in the past year which led to increased tensions between the US and also attracted backlash from NATO allied members of the S-400 in recent days upon receipt of developments related to the air defense system, Russia is experiencing successive …

Despite NATO’s objection to Turkey’s purchase of the S-400 test defense system from Russia after news broke that a disclosure made in the Sinop communiqués via email was made by NATO yesterday .

NATO’s unease with this development was manifested in the news from the US-based media company Bloomberg. NATO said in an email statement, “Turkey’s S-400 air defense systems related to any tests that are unfortunate.” Working to find alternative allied solutions Turkey and another important “expression” were used.

“This system may pose a serious risk to the aircraft fleet system of NATO allies and affect the relationship of NATO allies,” the statement said. This is Turkey’s national decision, but the S-400 cannot be integrated into NATO’s air defense and anti-missile system, “the statement said.


Turkey, the dates for the week starting 16-17 October in the Information Note for Airmen indicate that it would make the missile over the Black Sea effective (NOTAM) and the Navtex message for target practice was also posted ( maritime advertisement).

S-400s bought from Russia were transported to Sinop last week, and images about the shipment of air defense systems were also reflected in the press.


One of the oldest members of NATO and in terms of military power, which is the second member to have the strongest army after the United States to buy military technology from Russia to Turkey got a great response. In particular, increases the effect of the end of the year in Europe react to this movement of sanctions from the US, Russia, S-400 to Turkey for the purchase brought to the agenda. This situation caused tension in bilateral relations.

Turkey to give up the US S-400, Turkey had been removed from the F-35 program. The United States, Turkey had threatened sanctions in the event of the introduction of the S-400. The sanction decision adopted by the Senate awaits the signature of the President of the United States, Donald Trump.

Turkey and Russia signed a $ 2.5 billion deal on the 2017 S-400 air defense systems that were transported to Turkey in June 2019.

It may interest youReuters: The S-400 was tested in Turkey in the Black Sea!  The first missile was launchedReuters: The S-400 was tested in Turkey in the Black Sea! The first missile was launched
