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Declaration of the curfew of the Minister of Health Koca


Breaking news “data-mce-href =” “> Breaking news! Health Minister Fahrettin Koca held a press conference.

Highlights of Minister Koca’s statements;

The situation is more serious than a regional extension. At this point, a new evaluation should be done. Naming this point is helpful for stimulation. For this reason, the addressee of the meeting that we celebrate in Bursa are our 5 provinces and other provinces. As I mentioned in my speech this morning, Istanbul is included in this. The epidemic is in its second peak period in Anatolia. We are facing a risky climb. We had the first peak, that is, the first peak in large cities on April 14 and the second peak in September. In Anatolia, the first peak was seen in September. We are experiencing the second peak now. In our big cities, after both summits, we took seriously the measures that the situation required and we got results quickly. We are in a bigger test than the previous ones in the face of the epidemic since the second week of October.


In Bursa, the number of daily cases increased approximately 3 times compared to 1 month ago. Our number of cases increased 2 times in Bilecik compared to last month. In Balıkesir, Yalova and Çanakkale, we see a 50 percent increase in cases compared to 1 month ago. We are adding 198 beds to our intensive care bed capacity in Bursa. Our bed occupancy rate is 60 percent, our intensive care occupancy rate is 75 percent, and our fan occupancy rate is 38 percent. We made our plans to increase 48 more intensive care beds in Balıkesir. Our bed occupancy rate is 48 percent, our intensive care occupancy rate is 62 percent, and our fan occupancy rate is 31 percent. We made plans to increase 21 more intensive care beds in Bilecik. Our bed occupancy rate is 36 percent, our intensive care occupancy rate is 42 percent, and our ventilator occupancy rate is 56 percent. At Çanakkale, we added 39 more beds to our care bed capacity intensive. Our bed occupancy rate is 34 percent, our intensive care occupancy rate is 48 percent, and our respiratory device occupancy rate is 24 percent. We added 9 to our existing intensive care beds in Yalova. Our bed occupancy rate is 62 percent, intensive care occupancy rate is 60 percent, respirator occupancy rate is 26 percent.

Thanks to the work of radiation teams, we identify suspicious contacts and take them to isolation. We are increasing the number of our film crew from 463 in Bursa to 700. Our 203 crews are in the field in Balıkesir. We are increasing the number of our teams to 60 in Yalova. We have 66 film crews in Bilecik. We are increasing the number of our 42 film crew in Çanakkale to 97.


We must minimize the time we spend outdoors. We must stay away from the crowd, the real serious test is against the crowd. Let’s remember the phrase Hayat Eve Sığar.

The epidemic reached its second peak in Anatolia before winter arrived. Bursa is going through the period of greatest risk during the epidemic.

We do not have a stronger weapon than measures to combat the epidemic.


The flu vaccine has become a hot topic. The vaccine for one year before the influenza vaccine is anticipated and we are already trying to order the vaccine for 2021. This year’s vaccine order is based on previous years. The vaccine we receive each year was 1 million 350 thousand doses. The world’s flu vaccine supply has increased by 20 percent overall. With the pandemic, the importance of the flu vaccine has increased even more. In this period, the view that the flu vaccine should be available to everyone is becoming widespread. We have supplied 1 million 350 thousand influenza vaccines for this year. We give the first 400 thousand to pharmacies. We will ship the rest through warehouses in the next 2-3 weeks. We are working hard to increase flu vaccines even more. I can say that this number has increased to 2.4 million. I would like to express that we are in an intense effort to increase this above 3 million. It will be at least 2 times higher than last year. Especially in this case, it is necessary to give the flu vaccine to people at risk, especially when there is not much supply in the world but there is a lot of demand. Our scientific committee did a study on this. It determined who should be done first. This was determined by our friends at the prestigious Science Bureau.


Risk pregnancies, pregnant women from 26 weeks, those within the first two weeks after birth, those with a chronic disease over 65 years, children with a chronic disease under 5 years, people with two chronic diseases between ages 5-65, especially our healthcare professionals who are at risk and we also plan to distribute this to people with organ transplants first. We will distribute the vaccine that came little by little within this framework. Our citizen should not think that I will not do it, as it is not risky in e-pulse. For our health professionals, it will be done through public health, not the pharmacy. We will have done it to health professionals in the first 10 days of November. Then we will expand the stratification as we get our hands on the vaccine. Let’s not worry. In keeping with this staging, I would especially like to say that with the advent of the vaccine, it will be widely applied. I would like to express that people who are not considered risky can be risk people with the qualification. I say that the vaccine is given at least 2 times compared to last year, and this will increase to more than 3 million.


Phase 3 studies of the German and Chinese Snovak vaccine are being carried out in our country. At the end of November, we will be informed about this matter. We can see the course of the immune state more clearly. While we allow Phase 3 study, for the most part we have allowed vaccines to vary from country to country, with the aim of taking action in the early period by seeing the effect on our citizens. In this context, I think it will be clear after November. The vaccine is from December, if the expectation is in line with the studies of the file called online if we believe that the advent of the immunological level range of one of these vaccines is inactive, we believe that the applications in Turkey and the connections we make in this context. We can vaccinate about 5 million in December. 16 studies on the domestic vaccine continue. These studies are not just one type of vaccine study. We know that multiple types are studied. In this context, the sterilization period of one of our vaccines is ending, which is inactive at the end of next week. After 10 days after the next week, there will be a 5-day quarantine period with the people selected in the meantime and their exams. We will begin the application to the first human, the phase 1 study. In March-April, the phase 3 study reaches a point. We can apply the reliable vaccine that we consider convenient from abroad for our citizens in the period from December to January and February. I would like to say that our own local vaccine can then be activated.


I can say that there is no situation that could cause a serious epidemic in schools so far. When we compare the age group of children who do not attend school and the age group of children who attend school, we see that the age group of children who do not attend school is 3-4 percent lower than the age group. We don’t know if the next few weeks will continue in a similar fashion. The transition was planned by organizing this. As of November 2, 5th and 9th grades will also begin. If we continue in the same way and we do not see a significant increase, then we can gradually move on to other classes. We see the increase in the last 2 weeks. We see that it is evident in some provinces. We will have an evaluation situation with the results that we will achieve in the next 2 weeks. I can easily say that there is no serious situation in this regard that could increase the epidemic at this time. This may be due to the fact that children who attend school are more sensitive to the measures.


In particular, we do not consider a situation like curfew. We know well that the epidemic increases with the increase in movement. That is why it is important to follow precautions with sensitivity. We see that the distance and the cleanliness of the masks are extremely important, it is necessary to avoid entering crowded environments and domestic pollution is increasing in homes. In this period, we attach special importance to the fact that guests cannot enter the houses. Apart from this, transportation is an important resource and flexible work must be seriously involved in the public and private sectors. So there are two peak hours of the day. It is necessary to reduce these deadlines. The way to reduce it is through flexible working hours. It must be both public and private. Provincial Hygiene Boards are authorized. Each province should do its part to minimize risk in terms of transportation. In this period, we are entering the intense period of the mask not only against the crown, but also viral infections and upper respiratory infections in the next period. We know that the mask is up to 90 percent preventive for all diseases. We know that the vaccine has 60 percent protection.


The vaccine is common throughout the world. It would not be possible to prevent the epidemic unless it was done 60 percent worldwide. It does not seem possible before 2 years. As a country, we want to start at an early stage. The next 4-5 months are very important. We know that preventing the mask against other infections is important, not just crown. We know that it is important to use the mask during this period. In this period, we would see viral infections in the infant age group as a season. We see that the number of pediatric outpatient consultations is not increasing at this time. Polyclinic internal medicine service with a growing number, polyclinics where more Covid patients attend. Precautions are taken to avoid seeing the flu in childhood. We see how much it protects. Therefore, we are very sensitive when it comes to vaccination. If 83 million measures are implemented and efforts are made to comply, strict measures cannot be taken.


Another risk in the next period, this epidemic will gradually increase in Europe. Half and 50 percent of Covid-19 cases in the world are in Europe. Europe is now the center of the pandemic. The next few weeks will increase. We will also be affected by this. The way not to be affected is by strictly observing the precautions. Our citizens must be especially focused on avoiding crowded environments and preventing guests from reaching their homes, especially with masks, distance, hygiene.
