December 4 coronavirus table announced! The number of cases in the choir fled Turkey today? Breaking news


Citizens are investigating the December 4 coronavirus image. Turkey coronavirus daily table, “ es” shared the address. According to the most up-to-date coronavirus table; In the last 24 hours, 187 thousand 518 tests for Kovid-19 were carried out, 32 thousand 381 people tested positive, the number of patients was 6 thousand 511. 187 people died in the last 24 hours, with the completion of the Kovid-19 treatment From 4,190 people, the number of those who recovered rose to 418,331. So, the coronavirus table was announced on December 4? Here’s the breaking news on the coronavirus …


Health Minister Fahrettin Koca, December 4, Turkey’s daily coronavirus chart is expected to be announced later in the evening at 19:00 by the health minister.


Health Minister Fahrettin Koca, on December 3, Turkey’s coronavirus day statement was released yesterday.

Minister Koca said in a statement on Twitter: “We have 6,511 new patients detected today. We have to reduce the number of our patients. Closed and crowded environments are the easiest transmission environments. We should spend the winter months moving away from the environments. crowded and closed. The fight is also possible staying at home. ” said.


The total number of tests reached 19 million 143 thousand 746. The number of patients was 520 thousand 167, the number of deaths was 14 thousand 316, the number of serious patients was 5 thousand 611, the number of active patients was of 87,520.

According to weekly data, this week, the pneumonia rate in patients is 3.3 percent, the bed occupancy rate is 55.7 percent, the adult intensive care occupancy rate is 71.7 percent, the rate fan occupancy is 40.1 percent, average contact detection time is 11 hours, and radiation rate. It was recorded as 99.8 percent.

Health Minister Fahrettin Koca shared on his Twitter account regarding the data, “We have 6,511 new patients detected today. We have to reduce the number of our patients. Closed and congested environments are environments where the virus it is transmitted more easily. We must spend the winter months avoiding congested and closed environments. The fight is at home. It is also possible to stay. ” used expressions.

The Minister of Youth and Sports, Mehmet Muharrem Kasapoğlu, announced that the new type of coronavirus test (Kovid-19) was positive.

Minister Kasapoğlu said on his Twitter account: “Our Kovid-19 tests that we did with my wife were positive. Fortunately, our general condition is good, we are being treated at home with the advice of our doctors. We request your prayers and wish health and well-being for all this time. ” used expressions.

The president of the Istanbul Chamber of Bakers, Erdogan Cetin, declared that there will be no problems at the point of production and distribution of bread when the curfew is applied in Istanbul, “No one will run out of bread in Istanbul during this period. We will satisfy all the bread needs of our people. “he said.

On the part of the Ministry of Justice, in the field of measures to combat the new type of coronavirus (Kovid-19), the HES code is questioned at the entrance of the courts with the condition of entering the courts and courts of appeal with the HES code.

Istanbul courthouse to courthouse, one of the largest in Turkey, Gaziantep Regional Court of Justice of Gaziantep, Şanlıurfa, Malatya, Kahramanmaras and Adiyaman at the entrance to the courthouse HPP code started.

The HES code is questioned by citizens, staff, lawyers and officials in the protocol entries. Citizens without a code can enter the building by obtaining the HES code with the help of staff.

On Istiklal Street, one of the busiest places in Istanbul, the drone will continuously check whether the new measures taken to prevent the new type of coronavirus epidemic (Kovid-19) are being followed.

Beyoğlu Mayor Haydar Ali Yıldız and Beyoğlu District Governor Mustafa Demirelli evaluated the new decisions made for İstiklal Street and Taksim Square by the District General Hygiene Council at the entrance of İstiklal Street.

Yıldız stated that they made an adjustment to avoid the density of 1 person for every 3 square meters and said: “Our street address is separated to the right and left. We have developed a system to prevent people from gathering. There are mask stalls at the entry points. For 8 months, our mask stand is at the entrance to the street. The citizen will pass through this address. If it is not followed, the police and the forces of order will intervene “. found in the description.

Beyoğlu District Governor Demirelli said the density on the street is tracked by a drone.

Minister Koca explained the roadmap for the Kovid-19 vaccine:

Health Minister Fahrettin Koca, a new type of coronavirus (Kovid-19) from the first part of the vaccine carried out in a contract with which it is expected to arrive from Turkey after December 11, the first stage of workers of health, people over 65, who remain with disabilities and korumaev and live in crowded places. informed that he will be vaccinated.

Minister Koca made a written statement after the meeting held at the Bilkent campus of the Ministry by videoconference method.

In Turkey, stating that the most important contribution to the lack of money awaiting the hard work of distinguished scientists from the members of the Scientific Board who are managing this process, the husband’s board that meets regularly, scientific advances and is evaluating the new situation emerged, science, protection of people, diagnosis, shared his views on issues of follow-up and treatment. , said he led the fight by preparing guides, guides and algorithms.

Husband, Turkey’s vaccine development efforts for many countries in the sense that it is also mobilizing all scientific knowledge and financial resources, stressed that efforts to ensure more effective protection against the epidemic.

“When the vaccines arrive, they will be examined by Public Health and TITCK Laboratories”
Stating that they are closely following the different vaccination studies as it has been shared with the public before, and that they continue to work towards vaccines that have been shown to be effective and safe in the earliest period possible, Koca said: “We have signed a contract for the supply of an inactivated virus vaccine. We are negotiating an mRNA vaccine. “used the expression.

Koca pointed out that with the vaccines that will be introduced in the coming days, the protection against the epidemic will be further strengthened and it will be possible to obtain successful results with other measures, and delivered the following assessments:

“Discussions about vaccines, which are far from the scientific truth, do not provide any benefit other than breaking our forces in the fight we hope to win. Both our scientists and our Ministry are concerned about the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine, not about the Therefore, the decisions to be made and the concrete steps to be taken about vaccines are period determined by safety and efficacy. “


The number of cases of new types of coronavirus (Kovid-19) worldwide exceeded 65 million 209 thousand, the number of people who died from the virus exceeded one million 506 thousand, while the number of those who recovered approached at 45 million 183 thousand.

The number of cases exceeded 14 million 369 thousand in the US, 9 million 556 thousand in India, 6 million 445 thousand in Brazil and 2 million 375 thousand in Russia.

Former US Presidents Barack Obama, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton said they will have the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) -approved vaccine against Kovid-19 in front of the camera.

Although the American company 3M also announced that it will lay off 2,900 people around the world as part of the restructuring that it underwent in the business model with the effect of the epidemic, the rate of hospitalization with daily cases and loss of life in the country reached the highest level.

With the death of 993 people in the last 24 hours from the epidemic in Italy, the highest daily death toll since the beginning of the epidemic has been reached.

Former French President Valery Giscard d’Estaing died at the age of 94 due to Kovid-19.

Due to the epidemic in Bulgaria, the country’s elections scheduled for March 2021 were postponed for two months.

It was reported that the general quarantine application, which was announced to last until December 7 due to Kovid-19 in Greece, will be extended for another week.

British Education Minister Gavin Williamson argued that they are the first country in the world to approve the Kovid-19 vaccine, as they have better scientists than those in the European Union (EU) and the United States.

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) recalled that tax revenues in member countries fell before the epidemic and warned that countries’ tax revenues, especially excise duties, will decline significantly this year.

The Serbian government has decided not to open cafes, restaurants, bars, nightclubs and shopping centers from 17:00 local time tomorrow until 05:00 on Monday.

It was claimed that deficiencies in the production and distribution of tests at the beginning of the epidemic in China, and incorrect tests produced with concessions to incompetent companies behind closed doors, prevented the virus from being detected.

Mexico reported that the Kovid-19 vaccine developed by Pfizer-BioNtech will be implemented in the country starting next week.

Thousands of high school students, including 35 Kovid-19 patients, will take the university entrance exam in South Korea today. In the statement made by the Ministry of Education, it was reported that 493,430 students will take the exam in 1,380 centers throughout the country. In the statement, it was indicated that 35 students with Kovid-19 and students in personal quarantine will take the exam in special departments prepared in hospitals and health centers.

The Kovid-19 test result of 48 players from the American Basketball League (NBA) was positive.

Kovid-19 was detected in 98 people, including prison officials and prisoners, in prisons in the Ashanti region of Ghana, a West African country.

In Israel, which left the second wave of the epidemic behind, an increase in the number of new cases per day is observed.

In Pakistan, which has implemented various measures to prevent the spread of Kovid-19, it is reported that prayers will be made across the country to protect themselves from the epidemic, while the Secretary of National Health Services of Parliament. Naushin Hamid announced that free vaccination will begin in the second quarter of 2021.

Israeli Palestinian doctors arrived in the Israeli-blockaded Gaza Strip to support the fight against the epidemic.

Nur Hisam Abdullah, Director General of the Malaysian Ministry of Health, assessed the UK’s approval of the use of the Kovid-19 vaccine for emergencies: “If the first three months of use of the vaccine yield effective results and there are no side effects, we will approve the vaccine. ” said.

Lebanese Health Minister Hamed Hasan said that despite the increase in cases of the epidemic, the measures were not fully met and warned that there was not enough capacity in the hospitals.

The state of emergency (state of emergency), which was declared as part of the fight against Kovid-19 in Morocco, lasted for 1 month. Thus, the decision of the state of emergency was extended for the ninth time in the country.

