Criticism of the Corona virus from Meral Akşener to Erdoğan


Meral Akşener, chairman of the IYI Party, spoke at his party’s group meeting at the Grand National Assembly of Turkey.

Rise of the corona virus found in Turkey Akşener from the warning on the cases, the AKP government was blamed for not managing the outbreak.

Stating that it was late at the time of the measurements, Akşener said:

* I would like to express my condolences to our esteemed Muş Provincial President Ramadan Aşık, who lost his life due to Covid-19. There is a fee of courage in Turkey.

* Knowing this, we set off. We have come to these days paying the prices. But in Turkey, in some areas, our heaviest .Vatandaşı the stimulus cost, where sandwiched between two hits is good, and the price of being brave even heavier. My Ramadan president carried the banner of the good and the brave in Muş. We are pleased with him and may Allaah be pleased with him.

* On this occasion, in the person of my Ramadan president, I wish God’s mercy for all our citizens who lost their lives due to Covid, and my deepest condolences to their families and loved ones. Let their souls be peace and their places be paradise. My dear nation; Since February, we have been warning the government about the pandemic hitting the world.

* We hoped they would learn from the mistakes of some countries, but they did not. We expected them to be with their citizens on a tight day, it did not happen. We awaited the suggestions we made for the health and lives of our citizens and we took action, it did not happen. When the footsteps of the second wave of the epidemic came, I repeated our warnings and suggestions.

* I warned the Minister of Health, whom we have seen as diligent since the beginning of the pandemic, and Mr. Erdogan, who is in favor of all decisions that are taken. “This work will come at a very high price.

* You leave our nation unprotected against this scourge. Follow our suggestions. “I said. But, unfortunately, Mr. Erdogan did not listen to any of our warnings or suggestions, as he knows everything from economics to technology, from law to history, from industry to health. .

* For months, they thought they could fool everyone by hiding their number of cases and only revealing the number of patients. It didn’t happen either. They just fooled themselves. When the pandemic began in the country and reached third place in the world,

* This time they turned and pointed to the world and said, “Look, the image is terrible everywhere. “Mr. Erdogan; for months, “we are in very good shape. We already have city hospitals ”, he was good at selling, but pointing to the situation in the world, did it occur to you now that our nation was devastated by the virus?

*It’s a shame, it’s a sin. You carry the 83 million plague. But you can’t even understand its weight yet. Yes, there are countries in the world that are in bad shape. But there are countries that have managed to protect themselves against the second wave.

* His job is not to show that the poor countries, Turkey should bring the best situation among the countries. But even when it comes to the lives of our citizens; He thought that he could escape responsibility through political communication, perception management, and propaganda.

* When the truth of our wounded nation is clear, they did not see that the lies will continue until nightfall and the truth will knock on our door.

* Now they have a black stain on their faces, from a power that has lied to their nation. In the first election you will have to face our nation with this stain.

My friends; So what happened in the end? The pandemic has surrounded our country. They took the job and put it at the back of our health army, of which we are proud. They put the responsibility on the Scientific Committee, which ignored their suggestions. Then they blamed our citizens.

* When you didn’t mind holding rallies and throwing tea at the nation, of course, we had citizens who thought everything was fine and didn’t follow the rules.

* But your duty as a government was to take steps to protect all of our citizens. A mindset that thinks life is about money and managing, making rich friends and friends, has a very heavy bill for our country. You see, they washed their hands again, they haven’t committed crimes again … There is no such looting, Mr. Erdogan!

You cannot wash your hands of this business destroying the economy of your boyfriend and the pandemic of the citizens. If you set up the one man scheme, then there is only one responsible, and that is you!

* If you see the crumb of political income, you jump on it and you will be upset at failures. My dear nation; The second wave of the pandemic

* Turkey was expensive. In this process, concrete steps should be taken, rather than spending the day with the verbal crowd. To do this, our deputies closely followed the Process, asked questions and proposals, as they have done since the beginning of the epidemic.

They tried to be the voice of the nation, to explain the deeds of the nation to power.

* For example, they said; “Vaccines will be brought to Turkey, all citizens are free to do so.” This proposal that we made for the health of all was rejected by the votes of the Peoples’ Alliance. Government representatives refused, but Mr. Erdogan He came out last night and said, “Vaccinations will be free.” Are you laughing or crying?

* For example, our MPs said: “For companies that had to go out of business due to the pandemic, no allocation was made in the 2021 budget.

*A monthly maintenance payment of 2 thousand lire must be made to our merchants for 6 months. ”This proposal we made to relieve our merchants was rejected by the votes of the People’s Alliance.

* So did anyone hear a single word on these matters last night? No. As for political income, Mr. Erdogan, who got on the ball, chose to whistle when it came to merchants. My friends; We wanted it for our nation, the Alliance of the Republic refused. We suggest it to our merchants, the Republic Alliance refused.

However, the Republic of Turkey is a state of the nation to produce free vaccines. However, the Republic of Turkey, artisans in difficult months is a country that could bear two thousand pounds. But sadly, this government that rules Turkey, our nation does not care, it does not care about our merchants.

*Together with his little companion, they raise a finger and block what is good for the nation. They only have one problem and it is their seats.

* We all witnessed the latest example of this in Mr. Erdogan’s speech last night. Our nation waited for the president’s speech last night. What will he say, what measures will he explain, he wondered.

*Because it has all the information. Has the authority. You have the opportunity. But he went and again announced half measures. They continue to risk the health and life of the nation by taking timid steps with political calculations.


* All scientists insist on a shutdown of at least 14 days. Mr. Erdogan doesn’t care. The president, who should be the symbol of the country’s unity, continues to wage a political struggle. Aren’t you tired, Mr. Erdogan? The nation is in his life, his soul.

* First you say unity, then you destroy that union. In such a period, the last thing we need is to camp and fight. But you keep looking for otherness, polarization. Not like this, Mr. Erdogan! Such a state is not governed. Doing!

* The day is not the day for politics. The day is the day of total struggle. Disaster came and went on our doorstep. Opening the eyes instead of bandaging the wounds does not fit the humanity of the state.

* Your task is to set an example for the nation, to be a guide, to ensure that we come out of this pressure with the least harm. Your task is to say how we will not die. Your job is to indicate the support you will provide to our merchants and employees.

* What do you expect of our citizens, what will you give them, it is your duty to tell them. Stop telling stories, Mr. Erdogan! This nation knows how to preserve its history and values ​​both after and before you.

* Now the goal is to protect the life, unity, vitality and health of the nation. How are you going to do this? Tell me how! Ad here; This government has nothing left to give to the nation, this government has served its life. This power surrendered not to the will of the nation, but to the pleasure of the palaces. This government has become as dangerous as the pandemic for our nation.


* Classified as the world’s shopping spree it was the scene of another shopping spree in Turkey. There were much higher sales not only in stores, but also in the presence of Mr. Erdogan and the Emir of Qatar. The keyword is ‘sales’ … There have been much higher sales. A major shopping center in Istanbul and 10 percent of Borsa Istanbul, which was transferred to the Wealth Fund, were bought by the Qatari state fund.

* In addition to these sales, several deals have been made, the content of which has yet to be revealed. Between the subjects of these agreements; There is consensus around ports, the Golden Horn, our water resources, and even family and women.

* I want to emphasize strongly; Many states or companies become partners in foreign stock exchanges, make investments, we are not against foreign investments or capital. However, in developed countries, the public is informed about such sales or investments. For this reason, a statement is made that we have made an agreement with the following conditions. The state cannot hide under a mask of trade secret.

* We urgently need to switch to a growth model that creates jobs. We need to implement an economic model that meets the needs of our citizens without granting loans. It is imperative that we implement a minimum wage regulation that pleases everyone.

* We say that it grows with production, not with income. While we lighten the burden on our employers and allow them to re-create jobs, we have worked on an equitable minimum wage model that will not drag our low-income citizens into a spiral of debt or record unregistered jobs.
