Critical decision on school exams! MONE sent a letter with 81: starting in November!


After the education that began in schools, students and their families sought assessment and evaluation, that is, how to take exams. In the 2019-2020 academic year, due to the pandemic, students did not take their 2nd quarter exams and their 1st quarter grades were reflected on their report cards. In the new educational period, classes that started face-to-face education, albeit limited, and students who continued to receive lessons with EBA TV remotely wondered what criteria would be taken as a basis in the exams and if they would be carried out in schools. The MoNE Ministry ended the discussions with a letter sent to 81. Students will take exams in schools, there will be no exams for each course. Here is the decision of the school examination of the Ministry of Education!

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Along with face-to-face training activities, measurement and evaluation in distance education activities will be included in the scope of the exam. It will take place in village schools, which receive face-to-face training 5 days a week, as before the epidemic. In schools that continue face-to-face education 2 days a week, the dates of the exams will be decided by the director of the schools. The dates of the exams will be announced to the students at least 1 week before the e-School. Below are the highlights of the article sent by the Ministry of National Education;

The exams will take place in the school environment, but the student who is chronically ill or ill or in contact due to the Kovid 19 epidemic will take the exam at the appropriate time and in an isolated environment from the school.

The duration of the exam for each course to be examined will be planned in one course hour and the exam will be prepared according to this period.

Students who are unable to participate in the exams for any reason and whose excuses are deemed appropriate by the school administration will be brought to the exam at a time determined by the course teacher and upon prior notification to the student.

According to the participation of the students in face-to-face education, live and / or follow-up lessons and EBA TV lesson activities, each lesson has 2 (two) hours per week and 3 (three) times for those with more than 2 hours per week. Participation points will be awarded to course activities.

There will be no exams in visual arts, music, physical education and games, physical education and sports, road safety, human rights, citizenship and democracy, technology and design, information technology and software, the life of the Prophet, basic religious knowledge and elective courses. The completion points of these courses will be calculated with the participation points in the course activities and the project points, if any.


The measurement and evaluation practices carried out so far are valid and will be processed in the e-School system.

The measurement and evaluation request schedule will be determined by the board of directors of the educational institution and will be announced to all students on time by the administration of the educational institution.

In the Common Courses section of the Secondary Education Institutions Weekly Courses Program dated 02/19/2018 and numbered 56 of the Board of Education and Discipline; Physical education and sports exams, visual arts and music classes will be practiced.

All the necessary measures will be taken by the provincial / district directorates of the national education and the administrations of the educational institutions in relation to the measurement and evaluation practices with the beginning of the face-to-face education of the aforementioned 9th grades “.


The Ministry of National Education will allow exams to take place in schools on Saturdays if there is density and if it is deemed necessary. The duration of the exam for each course in which the exam will be held will not exceed one course hour. And the content of your exams will be adjusted according to time.
