Corona revived a legend! Cars with cars are back


The Corona virus revived nostalgia. ‘Drive-in movie’ has returned tremendously in Germany.

Normal theaters in the country are closed due to the crown, but 80 new car theaters were opened in addition to the existing ones. Tickets are running out weeks before in theaters, all of which are full.


The car movie trend, which started in the US USA In the 1930s and 1950s in Europe, it went as far as the 2000s. The number of cars with automobiles, which were 40 in the 1980s in Germany, had dropped to 18 before the epidemic.

In theaters with cars, which have been revived after Corona’s actions, only one family member should be present in the vehicle. Otherwise, only two people can be in one vehicle.


Those who go to the cinema with cars receive a special frequency to listen to the sound of the film from the radio. While everyone listens to the sound in their car, they watch the movie on the big screen.

The return of this trend made the filmmakers very happy. An operator at Ostwestfalen-Lippe said: “Everyone has been filling up for days. We can place two weeks later. We have a place for 40 cars. We get very positive feedback from people. Everyone is very satisfied. “

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