Clash of massive resignation in the Party of the Future


The provincial organization Future Party Sakarya, which has been in operation since January 23, collectively resigned. In the press release issued by Future Party Sakarya provincial chairman Ender Serbes and board members, he used the following statements;

* We have read the program and letter of the Party of the Future and have developed its policy. We have been fair, sincere and transparent. Thinking that we would be the future of our country, we worked day and night to propose a policy that would offer solutions to problems.

* We have borne the material and moral burden of organizing in Sakarya. However, we were subjected to pressure and coercion from the unscrupulous from the culture of loyalty. We were asked to be a dedicated organization, not a work / production organization. We do not accept it, we resist.


* We must expose Turkey’s stance against unprincipled politicians, we set this path to be an alternative. Not serving the political objectives of unprincipled politicians.

* Dear President Ahmet Davutoğlu, let him reject the rule of law and advanced democracy as much as he wants, as there will be no favoritism. It is the ritual of a person, it is not taken into consideration. We have seen that when his relatives commit injustice, he is not just, he becomes part of it.

* Turkey is already nepotism, and the justice of contempt, there are parties that deceive the public. We, as a Sakarya organization, renounce our duties and the party, since we believe that building one more from scratch makes no sense to waste time and energy in the homeland and the nation.

It may interest youThat AKP name resigned!That AKP name resigned!
