Citizens claim KPSS results are wrong on social media


The 2020 KPSS General Ability, General Culture, Educational Sciences and Field Knowledge and ÖABT results, which were carried out by the Assessment, Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM), were announced this morning. After the announcement of the results, many citizens who entered the KPSS again claimed that ‘the blanks were incorrectly calculated, the network was lost, the questions and options changed.

Citizens expressing their reactions on the social network Twitter # ösymsonuçlarhatali Ask ÖSYM to make a statement with their label.


Candidates who attended the KPSS General Ability, General Culture session held on September 6 stated that the questions they solved during the exam did not match each other after the answer key was announced. The candidates, who asked ÖSYM for a statement on social media, claimed that a total of 13 questions were wrong. The candidates also claimed that TL 50 was asked to examine each brochure after the petition they wrote, and that the condition to go to Ankara was presented. OSYM did not provide any explanation on the matter.


After the announcement of the results, a claim was also made to the questions. Abbas strongHe came from.

According to Güçlü’s claim, according to the results of the 2020-KPSS license, the answers in the question booklet were changed and 3 questions were canceled. Commenting on the issue from his social media account, Abbas Güçlü said: “Vah ÖSYM ow! At KPSS, the allegations were correct, the correct options have changed, there are cancellations! E’s answer to basic question 12 was corrected as C, and the answer to D in ÖABT Science question 28 was corrected as C, and questions from Body 55, Religion 74, and Preschool 52 were also canceled. Gelde this ÖSYM and the confidence of the exam! I wish these warnings had been heeded earlier! There seems to be more! Nobody will ask ÖSYM for an account, who does not take the exam 1 minute late and cast a shadow on the lives of young people? Is this respect for young people, work and merit? KPSS itself is a mistake, this is your concern! The system must change“he used the expression.
