CHP Leader Meeting That Escaped Media Attention


CHP leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, who delivered a brilliant speech in his budget speech yesterday (Monday) at Turkey’s Grand National Assembly, was in Izmir today (Tuesday). Kılıçdaroğlu, who came to İzmir for a day with a busy schedule with yesterday’s morale, had only one schedule, earthquake victims.


The president of the hotel, where he stayed early in the day, began by receiving a briefing from the metropolitan mayor Tunç Soyer and the mayors of Bornova and Seferihisar, especially Bayraklı, who were the most affected by the earthquake, about the earthquake and subsequent events . Kılıçdaroğlu’s next stop was IMM Uzundere Houses to receive condolences and visits so that he recovers soon. Elif-Oğuz Perinçek visits with her baby and father followed. Kılıçdaroğlu continued his afternoon program with a press release at the Bayraklı Municipality Assembly Hall, and then met with the apartment officials who lost their home and jobs in the earthquake, and took note of their demands. Kılıçdaroğlu’s last stop was the Chamber of Architects. Here, after the detailed information he received about Izmir, he gave a speech and emphasized that they wanted to work with TMMOB briefly and that this was to advance the mind and science.


Among the program I saw, Kılıçdaroğlu’s meeting with the apartment staff was the most surprising. At the meeting, which the media didn’t see much of, department officials cheered warmly after the CHP leader’s speech. Then they transmitted their problems and demands one by one. After the meeting, Kılıçdaroğlu and the apartment officials took a souvenir photo. Kılıçdaroğlu addressed the department officials who lost their home and jobs in the earthquake and said: “CHP is the party of department officials, the party of the poor …”, emphasizing that they are a mass of one million in the country. He suggested that they organize.

Kılıçdaroğlu, who arrived in Izmir with Seyit Torun, the vice president of local governments, and Selin Sayek Böke, the VQA member, whose sole duty he gave him from Izmir, went into detail in the meeting with the apartment officials and made him pass with Metropolitan Mayor Soyer and take notes. Soyer also promised the earthquake survivors that they would keep them comfortable and that they would do whatever was necessary.


Meanwhile, the department’s staff was trained by the CHP Group Presidency and Public Relations. “Building Personnel Manual” a brochure was also distributed. The brochure summarizes the rights of construction workers in the field of labor and social security; Its aim is to provide useful information on the problems that you may encounter in practice arising from social security rights. Kılıçdaroğlu, who pays particular attention to apartment workers in metropolitan cities, wrote the foreword to the brochure in question.

In short, he says in the preface:

“The CHP considers the protection of work and the development of the rights and freedoms of employees as one of the fundamental objectives of our party as a requirement of social democracy. In this direction, being a representative of labor and the most vulnerable groups and protecting their rights and freedoms constitute the priority principle and policy of our party. Builders, or house keepers, are one of these groups.

Construction assistants have come into our daily lives so much that almost every apartment and site has a construction assistant. (…) Unfortunately, the rights and responsibilities of our construction personnel who bring us our bread and our newspaper before we wake up, clean our apartment, water our garden, collect our garbage and serve us day and night, unfortunately, they are mostly unknown “.

Muzaffer Ayhan Kara
