CHP leader Kılıçdaroğlu responds to Erdogan in a group meeting with the “army”


CHP President Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu makes statements at the meeting of his party group.

The highlights of Kılıçdaroğlu’s statement are:


We have no prejudices. We do not hold a grudge against anyone nor do we have a sense of revenge. But we have only one goal: to let 83 million profit, 83 million live in peace. The goal is to build a peaceful Turkey and see all differences as wealth. Many of our disabled brothers are unemployed. But most of the disabled personnel that the state should employ according to the law are empty. Why is an appointment not made? Because a disabled person will feed his stomach, he has to starve. This is the understanding of power. The vacant tables are there. Disabled people wait hungry on the street


An educated society has a voice. In an educated society, discoveries occur, the world is questioned. There are big problems in our educational world. When we come to power, the first thing we will do is enact the law of the teaching profession. No teacher will receive a monthly salary below the poverty line. On Teacher’s Day, we will give teachers a salary bonus. We will give 3600 additional indicators to teachers. We will allocate at least 18 percent of Turkey’s total investment in the education budget. We will open village schools. We will end bus education. We will solve the problem of teachers waiting for assignment. Education must create employment, we will establish secondary schools of technology in the OIZ. After a certain class, the student will do an internship in the corresponding factory on the subject being educated. We want our most talented children to come here. Each school will have a budget. The PTA and the school administration will administer the budget. When we come to power with our friends, you will get an education and see brilliant schools.


We are going through a pandemic period. There are big problems. We did not criticize the government when the incident started. We also suggest solutions. 99 percent of these recommendations were not implemented and the pandemic process was not well managed. What kind of understanding is it? You ban boarding the plane, you reduce VAT to 1 percent on plane tickets. Such irrational practices. 13,746 citizens died according to official figures. The real numbers are way above that. The municipalities carry out burials. Doctors work in the fields. You add, the number is much higher. If you are a government and you want to have a reputation in society, you need to explain the real numbers. Or does not reveal any number, we also respect that. Nobody from Turkey believes the numbers. Why do you think Turkey could?


At first, TTB made a statement saying that the figures are not correct. They declared TTB a terrorist. Who knows about a person’s illness? Does the district governor or governor know? No, the doctor knows. Wow sir, why would you say that? What was the fundamental principle? The fundamental principle is to prevent the growth of the epidemic. If you respect your citizen, you must do everything you can for the epidemic. This was not done.

He explained the prohibitions, the economy did not speak.

We are the worst managed country in Europe for epidemic management. Yesterday they had a cabinet meeting. Mr. Erdogan came out and told him that it took 2 minutes. Measures related to the epidemic are fine, there is not a single line with measures related to the economy. You say close the store, close everything, so how will this man get along? Not a single sentence was made about this. Yesterday they will sit and talk for 3-4 hours, they will talk about how to prevent the epidemic, they will declare a curfew, but they did not make a single sentence about the economy.


An urn will come in front of my merchants. It is the duty of their neck to teach them democratically. 2 million 100 people will not be able to earn an income due to the jobs being closed. Our merchant brother has great cultural depth. Our Constitution has made a special arrangement for merchants and artisans. It did not protect or support him during the period of the pandemic. He did not do what the constitution requires. Those who could not distribute the 5 masks made a barrier to the aid that our municipalities wanted to do.


They even confiscated money raised for soup kitchens. If the state closes the merchant store, you must also provide your income. Traders are only given loans, so what do you do with Qatar? They told the merchants to close their shop and they closed it. They borrowed it from the bank. Now they said to close for the second time, but there is no income. The Qatari firm, which won the soccer match with a $ 500 million tender, said it will not pay. There is a ruling, they will win if they go to court. No one can go to court out of fear. They cut $ 90 million on one item. Well, did my merchant reduce his tax? Also, the owner of the company said that this is not enough, the dollar is constantly increasing, fix it and convert it to TL. They gave instructions to Erdogan. They also accepted this, they fixed the dollar at 5.80. The Minister of Youth and Sports announced this as if it were a great success.


Traders feel abandoned. Do not worry brother. When the Ministry of Merchants is established, it will be a place where you can talk about your problems. The state pays more money to usurers. The interest paid to usurers in the last 18 years has been 192 billion dollars. If this money were paid to the citizen, everyone would have a vaccine business. Aren’t you going to withhold 192 billion dollars from a bunch of loan sharks in London? Health workers, citizens die from them. They couldn’t even distribute a mask. Because everything depends on one person. When you don’t make a decision, nobody’s decision is of any use.


The goodness for Qataris does not end there. Prepared a brochure. Turkish factories sold in Qatar. They sold 10 percent of the Patrimonial Fund. He dedicated 2 minutes of yesterday’s meeting to the pandemic, 25 minutes for us. Then we are his nightmare.

He says: “The Wealth Fund’s stake in Borsa Istanbul is 80.6 percent, Mr. Kemal knows that well.”

We all knew it already, maybe you just learned it. Why is this Patrimonial Fund not subject to the audit of the Court of Accounts, why are you its president?

All the public banks, the tech companies are here. Erdogan can sell Ziraat Bank to a Qatari grocery store for $ 1 with a law. Or his son or close. Because it is not subject to the procurement law. I said explain how much you sell. The Wealth Fund made a statement that $ 200 million. 200 million dollars according to what? 200 million dollars is equivalent to the 15 or 20 net profits of this company.

Where is that honey sold? Now I ask: you will get the numbers from Borsa Istanbul and they will tell the nation. What is your wife? Is the actual value $ 200 million or $ 425 million? Erdogan does not give the answer. But I want this from the Borsa Istanbul address. There is a 52 percent profitability in 2019. In 2020, the profit should be much higher. They don’t give these numbers.


You are kind to Qataris, what is Fettah Tamince doing at that table? Fettah Tamince is the person who moved to Pennsylvania after the events of 17/25. The person who deposited money with Bank Asya after the events of 25/17. Those who go through Bank Asya are inside, those who deposited money in Bank Asya are in the protocol. Those who defend are Erdogan’s lawyers. Or is it someone who brings in money from abroad? Aren’t you playing for that money? Will the state’s reputation for money be affected? Erdogan does not answer them.


“Money does not have a religious color, money is money,” Erdogan said. A complete colonial head. The state does not use money as a means of bribery. The State cannot appoint ambassadors to those who use it as a means of bribery. It is true that money has no religion, it has no color, but what did that money do to you? You open your hand to a bunch of usurers in London. You started a liberation war against the interest lobby, now you are kneeling on a bunch of usurers, that’s what hurts me. He comes out and says this in front of 83 million. Someone didn’t say this was wrong. Do you know why the Ottomans went bankrupt, Mr. Erdogan? The money went bankrupt because the borrowers said that money is money. So those debts were not paid, they founded Duyun-u Umumiye. Erdogan does not know the story, what will you say to those ignorant of Allah for the love of God?


Those who fought in the War of National Liberation adopted two important principles. One is political, the other is economic. “Freedom and independence are my character,” he says. Mustafa Kemal says a second thing. “If you cannot crown your political independence with economic independence, you will lose political independence,” he says. Turkey is experiencing the greatest crisis of economic independence. Parents of money get what they want. Germany borrows at negative interest, Greece 0.9 percent. Turkey borçlanıyor with 6 percent. Turkey’s economic independence is in danger. They borrowed so much, what factory built it in 18 years. I don’t want such big factories.


When you were prime minister, what did you do when you were taken to Sulaymaniyah on July 4, 2003 with the dismissal of 11 soldiers? Give note, henna, we said it, what note said musical note? The man who does this will teach us through the army. Who are you, who is the army? The heroic soldiers of our army fight against terrorism. We consider them the honor of this country. You got up and said head to the martyrs. Are you going to tell me about the army? You said that military service is not a place to go to sleep. No soldier came to bed. You’re saying this, why didn’t you force your kids to do military service? Who are you, who is the army? You don’t even know what an army is. You even see the army as money. Our most valuable commanders were incarcerated at Sledgehammer and Ergenekon. He did this in collaboration with FETO. Are you the prime minister who cooperated with FETO and conspired against the army?


I am not saying they were conspiring or cooperating, said their deputies. He says that I personally had many meetings. The server is asking. You, the US and FETO have put together a joint plot, right? Yes, he said exactly that. You are a prime minister who conspired the army. He also went further, all those commanders were sentenced to aggravated life imprisonment, he also took charge of the prosecution of the case. A man who fully fulfilled the ambitions of the imperial powers took the seat of prime minister in this country. This is what goes into my pain. It is the crown of our heads from the Chief of Staff to the soldier. But I hold those who enter politics to account. Suleiman Shah Tomb was kidnapped. You are lowering your own flag without being ashamed of your own land. You leave your land without shame. Who gave you this instruction? You cannot attack us from the army. That army is the house of the prophet, that army is Mustafa Kemal’s army.
