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Chinese vaccine statement from Uğur Şahin, who developed the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine


last minute “data-mce-href =” “> Latest news! Founder of the German biotechnology company BioNTech, which developed a new type of vaccine against the virus corona (Covid-19) Professor Dr. Ugur Sahin, partner, said it was a great pleasure for them to exit the agreement with Turkey.

Ugur Sahin for the vaccine agreement with Turkey, “This agreement is very happy to familiarize us with the country. Turkey we are born, the homeland of our. Where our heart. Being able to help the people in Turkey is a great pleasure for us,” he said. .

You spied the details of Sahin’s contract, the first place at the end of 550, highlighting that a thousand doses will be sent to Turkey, “the end of the year will go to this dose in Turkey. First we must prepare for the logistics. The vaccine will be how side effects, such as allergies, how to treat it when We want healthcare professionals to be prepared for this and the vaccine to be delivered safely. There may be a delay of a few days. We are planning to ship 30 million vaccines by the end of 2021. We have planned 4.5 million doses of vaccines by the end of March, vaccines are needed all over the world. We want to train in fair doses. If we can achieve it with Allah’s permission until the end of 2021 we could grow to 30 million Turkey. ”He used the expressions.

describing 30 that opportunity in their hands out of the million and they want to send more doses if requested by the Falcon Ministry of Health, “Pfizer for next year, we want to produce more than one billion doses together with the company. More than 80 countries, We need to distribute these doses. Do we have after Turkey we want to give away whenever you want. ” He spoke in the form.


He has the Minister of Health Fahrettin because of the vaccination agreement with Turkey Koca. Thanks to Ugur Sahin, “The agreement is not easy, the complex can always require a change. Responsibility, who will move, limited to unlimited. Do you have these problems? With Mr. Fahrettin, the husband last We spoke on the phone 6 times to date, we found a solution together, and he helped thank you. Finally, we were able to sign the agreement. This is an important event for us. ” I speak.

Uğur Şahin, who clarified the limited liability clause in the contract, said:

“We make all agreements according to the same legal standards. The same standards everywhere in Europe, the US and Japan. The limited liability was based on how much our company would contribute to these costs. In principle, we have the same methods In these particular circumstances, we can only assume partial financial responsibility. For example, it is about ensuring that the company does not go bankrupt when a lawsuit is filed. Because the amount is too high and we cannot bear it. Therefore , We have to set a limit. Otherwise it won’t be. When you do something, people have the opportunity to file big lawsuits. When this happens, you are desperate as a company. Because billions of lawsuits can be filed. This it makes life difficult for us. We have produced a safe vaccine for the citizen. This does not mean that we are safe when filing a lawsuit.


Uğur Şahin explained that the vaccine they produced had been administered to 1.5 million people so far, and that these vaccines had side effects such as headache, arm pain, a little tiredness, and sometimes fever, but they disappeared in a day or two.
Şahin said: “Allergy can rarely be a side effect of the vaccine. Allergy can occur in the first 30 minutes. Therefore, it is necessary to be with healthcare personnel for 30 minutes after vaccination. This can be the most important side effect. It could be one in every 50 thousand people. ” said.
Stating that this winter will be difficult for all countries and for all, Şahin continued as follows:

“Our vaccines are not in a position to reduce infections in winter. People need to be disciplined. They need to protect themselves. They need to protect others. Now our vaccine will go to the elderly and health workers. We can protect them. Next summer, the number of infections will decrease.Because this infection corona is decreasing in summer.Important.With our cross and other vaccines are produced in the vaccine in Turkey and future vaccines from China, as all companies will be able to store enough doses of Turkey vaccine. People need to get 70 percent vaccinations. If we are successful before next winter, then we can get back to a normal life. The important thing is to maintain discipline now. “


When evaluating the vaccine from China, Şahin said: “Now it shows that the vaccine from China is effective. I think it has an effect of 85 percent, 86 percent. This is considered a nice and effective vaccine. There is no downside to the Chinese vaccine or BioNTech vaccine or other state vaccine … China, this vaccine was spent in the prolonged way of experimental and clinical tests. The excessive amount of things important enough is to be in Turkey. Now inoculating everything that I have seen shows a good effect and can help. ” He spoke in the form.


Sahin, stating that he wants to invest in Turkey, “We are bringing our products to Turkey for the first time. We want to do both research in Turkey. We have a meeting with TUBITAK. We started working with professors at various universities. We want to open many of the biontech companies. in Turkey. We want this infection in other cancer studies of the vaccine in Turkey to be as important. God, we will start to decide next summer if Turkey allows the cancer clinical trials section. We have plans. These can achieve the hope. Now after reaching normal status in 2021 in Turkey We want to open BioNTech company offices in different places and do R&D. We want to work with Turkish universities and companies. In the first year, there may be one or two or three projects, and if we succeed, we can increase the projects, he said.

Underlining that they want the vaccine delivered to poor countries, Şahin said that everyone needs the vaccine. Sahin said: “When we started this project, we intended to ship the vaccine to all countries. Therefore, we started cooperating with two companies. Pfizer has the ability to deliver and distribute the vaccine all over the world. In addition, we cooperate with the Fosun company. Our intention is in fact to bring our vaccine to China, wherever the vaccine is needed to receive the vaccine, “he said.

Recalling that vaccination will start tomorrow in Germany, Şahin said: “It makes me happy in a special way. The vaccine will be administered where we work for the first time, where we grew up, where we do science. ”Şahin emphasized that his goal is to distribute 1.3 billion doses of vaccines by the end of next year and stated that 1.3 billion doses of vaccines are not enough for the world.

Saying that they are making plans to increase capacity, Şahin said: “This is not an easy matter. The vaccine is made in a complex way. Again, we will start to cooperate with other companies. If we can implement our plans on how to increase capacity, we can report in January or February. I think we can update. We don’t have a guaranteed plan yet. ”The evaluation found.


Stating that they will continue their intensive studies until the summer months of next year, yearahin said: “We have a responsibility to increase enough vaccine doses for people. We won’t be comfortable until the summer. If the world begins to breathe in summer, we will begin to breathe. We will work until then. I am a person who likes to work. Working doesn’t tire me. When we are successful, happiness and energy come. I’m not tired of him, ”he said.

Sahin from Turkey to Covidien-19, calling for the protection of discipline and patience, “others, like what we have to jeopardize. Help is coming. It will catch up until the summer. Let’s be patient Hopefully to By the end of next summer, we will all have a chance to return to normal life. ”He spoke in the form.


Claiming that it is an evil eye bead on the necklace he wears around his neck, Şahin said: “We Turks believe in evil. My mother believed in the evil eye and always wore this evil eye pearl and she stayed that way. Hope you can help. ” said.

Sahin, due to the intensity of the work in these remote areas and that company did not want to stop, but said that they could go to Turkey in April or May.
