President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan attended the 7th Tekirdağ Ordinary Provincial Congress of the AK Party, which was held at the Namık Kemal Stadium. After his speeches here, Erdogan approached the citizens in the stadium and greeted them.
Expressing that he was a childhood friend of President Erdoğan, Mehmet Başarslan gave Erdoğan a watch in a bag. Taking the bag and looking inside, President Erdogan called Başarslan and chatted for a while.
Expressing that he has health problems and emphasizing that President Erdogan pays the costs of treatment, Mehmet Başarslan said: “I had a very historical watch inherited from my father. I gave it to him because he supported me a lot financially.”
Başarslan said that he was treated and recovered from various ailments such as heart, cancer and hernias, and said: “I owe this to Allah first, then Recep Tayyip Erdogan. May Allah bless you. Ahmet Baba and his mother Tenzile Anne, Sleep in the light. He said to me: “ Are you okay? ” He greets my family. I said hello to his family. We grew up in the same neighborhood until I was 25 years old. We played soccer together in Camialtı. I turned pro in Sarıyer .. He went to IETT, “he said.