
What is Ekrem İmamoğlu from CHP, who pointed to Health Minister Fahrettin Koca? Here’s behind the scenes of the slander

[ad_1] The chairman of the CHP of the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, Ekrem İmamoğlu, the world’s koronavirüsl found out that if the fighting in Turkey, the Turkish Minister of Health, Fahrettin, unpleasantly slanders her husband. THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION AND EUROPE ARE APPRECIATED At the beginning of the best countries struggling …

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Efkan Ala became vice president of AKP

[ad_1] Efkan Ala was appointed a member of the Central Executive Board (MYK) and Vice President of Foreign Affairs by order of the President and Chairman of the AKP, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Efkan Ala drew attention with his statement as Interior Minister after the coup attempt on July 15, 2016, …

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