Canan Kaftancıoğlu did not use the name ‘Atatürk’, his party reacted


Sözcü newspaper columnist Serpil Yılmaz wrote in his column that Kaftancıoğlu, who attended the online meeting as a guest of honor, used the expression “Gazi Mustafa Kemal” three times in reference to Atatürk. In Yılmaz’s letter, Uluç Gürkan, the former deputy speaker of Parliament, asked Kaftancıoğlu: “Is it your choice not to use the name Atatürk?” CHP’s Kaftancıoğlu asked: that this is a personal preference and that names are classified according to certain habits. He stated that he expressed his opposition.

Kaftancıoğlu was reacted by CHP

When Kaftancıoğlu said that he did not knowingly use the name Atatürk and that he was against it, the CHP reacted. CHP İzmir MP Tuncay Özkan, saying “ATATÜRK is the name of victory” on his social media account, showed his reaction with the following words:

“Atatürk is the name of victory. It is He who sent the seven heifers when they arrived. Happy 99th anniversary of the pitched battle of August 30. The armies are defeated, the nation will not be defeated. As there is no line of defense, there is defense on the ground. That surface is the whole country. ATATÜRK- Mihri Müşfik. of the brush. “

On the other hand, Hüsnü Bozkurt, former MP of the CHP from Konya, said: “M. Kemal is a provincial president of the CHP who refuses to be a soldier and has a problem with the surname Atatürk !!!” said.

Sertel: If the required lesson is not given …

The strongest reaction to Kaftancıoğlu came from CHP MP İzmir Atila Sertel. Sertel called on Kaftancıoğlu to take responsibility as a party and said the necessary lesson should be taught.

A reaction from Ince

Muharrem İnce also anonymously tweeted at Kaftancıoğlu. Ince, in his tweet, “The veteran Mustafa Kemal Ataturk is in the National Struggle, Liberation, Establishment, Republic, reason, science, revolution. His existence is our greatest victory.” used the expression.

“October 29 is before December 10”

Another MP who criticized Kaftancıoğlu anonymously was Mehmet Ali Çelebi. Çelebi called Kaftancıoğlu, “Don’t forget, this is CHP.”
Here is the Çelebi sharing;

“A provincial president of our party would not prefer to say Ataturk. The nation will say what you say after you put it in your heart and shout. But remember, this is the CHP. Those who are confused should know well, this party will arrive on the 29th October before December 10. We are Mustafa Kemal’s soldiers! “
