British Defense Minister Wallace cites the superiority of the Turkish SİHA as an example


In his online speech at the British think tank Royal Armed Forces Institute (RUSI), British Defense Minister Ben Wallace made statements on the areas to use resources following the decision to increase the defense budget.

Wallace, Turkey’s UAV, SIH Bayraktar TB2 and air defense systems in Syria, Libya and the use of other places in the field, highlighting the superiority of Turkey’s new generation of armed unmanned aerial vehicles by (SIH a) sample.

Turkey’s new generation of military technology is being used effectively in a variety of places such as Syria and Libya, targeting Wallace, hundreds of armored vehicles and Sihai UAVs and highlighted as destroying air defense systems.

Wallace, Turkey, is the world leader in foreign military programs preventing access to innovations in the defense industry that were made then, he said.

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Wallace’s admission that they’re lagging behind in defense tech
Wallace, the UAV from Turkey, Sihai from England has now admitted that he was not an example of such leadership and defense technology.

Referring to the fact that Britain has not made enough innovations in defense technologies, Wallace noted that Turkish drones are capable of “real difficulties for the enemy.”

England, some “tough decisions” will be made in the use of the defense budget
Wallace said Britain faced a series of difficult decisions regarding the use of its defense budget and whether to cut back on some legacy military programs.

“There are still some tough decisions to be made. But these decisions will allow us to invest in new areas, new equipment and new ways of working. Sometimes quality comes before quantity or the perfect good. said.

Wallace commented that potential adversaries are volatile, static and predictable themselves, saying they have to determine their approach to improving exactly how they will respond to the changing global security system.

While Minister Wallace stressed that old military technologies were not entirely unnecessary, he noted that new technologies may not always work.

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Wallace said he wanted to see the Ministry of Defense policy threat-oriented, proactive and sustainable.

Furthermore, Wallace added that they will focus on ongoing defense projects and develop and cooperate with military intelligence in this context.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, in his online speech in the House of Commons, noted that the period of cutting the defense budget in his country has already ended, and stated that the defense budget will be increased by 10 percent. every year for 4 years, and announced that the budget increase will be approximately 16.5 billion pounds in 4 years.

Johnson shared the information that the additional budget will also be used for space, cyber defense and artificial intelligence projects.

