Breaking News: Will the curfew start tomorrow night? Here are the details of the curfew


BREAKING NEWS: President Recep Tayyip Erdogan made a statement after the cabinet meeting held at the Presidential Complex.

Regarding the new type of coronavirus epidemic (Kovid-19), President Erdoğan said: “To reduce the negative impact of the epidemic, there is no other choice but measures aimed at minimizing human mobility. 83 million we have to act together. in a spirit of mobilization. ” We want them not to interfere with the crowd and to be careful. ”He used the expressions.

Erdogan continued as follows:

“Nice in line with the fight against the Turkish front, the fight against the epidemic will obtain the absolute permission of Allah.”


Regarding the curfew, President Erdogan said: “A general curfew will be applied between 9:00 PM and 5:00 AM every day of the week. It will continue uninterrupted from 9:00 PM on Friday. at night until 5 am Monday morning. We are now in our homes on Saturday and Sunday, “he spoke.

Erdogan said that businesses such as markets, grocery stores, butchers, greengrocers and places that provide home delivery services will be excluded from the restriction on hours to be determined.


President Erdoğan explained other measures taken within the scope of the Kovid-19 outbreak as follows:

“The activities of the nursery class and similar educational institutions will be suspended. Funeral prayers will be held with a maximum of 30 people, including their relatives, and weddings will not exceed this number. The number of people who will be able to enter the busy streets and Places may be limited by decision of the General Hygiene Board. The HES code will be applied at the entrance to shopping centers. The activities in which people will gather, such as daily, religious, condolence and New Year’s Eve celebrations will not will be carried out in homes. Restaurants may not serve except delivery service. In workplaces with more than 50 employees, the implementation of epidemic measures by an existing occupational health and safety specialist or designated personnel under the supervision of a doctor in the workplace to be strictly monitored. “

Erdogan affirmed that the coronavirus measures will be regulated by the circular of the Interior Ministry and will be implemented from Tuesday.


Regarding the implementation of the Kovid-19 vaccine, Erdogan said: “I hope that this vaccine will be applied from health workers next month.

Criticizing the statements of the CHP deputy about the TSK, Erdoğan used the following statements:

“Buhtan, targeting the Turkish Armed Forces, which CHP members often do, and ultimately recklessly repeated to a deputy, is a sign that this mindset is becoming a national security problem in itself.”


“Buhtan, which CHP members usually do, lastly, targeting the Turkish Armed Forces, which one MP recklessly repeats, is a sign that this mentality is becoming a national security problem in itself. They are so immersed in politics, society and the engineering of the polls that do not even have the state to see the nation. Furthermore, these people have a habit of attacks on fundamental values ​​and institutions not only in the country but are ignored Carriers of the love of another bank instead of hearts in Turkey, adjectives deputies, even saying that we cannot allow the army of this country to be slandered with acrobatics. They quinine in them and they hate the cause, nor Borsa Istanbul. “What has stopped the Sakarya factory. They say that Turkey is broadcast, but by the Turkish nation, the country’s goals. “

Addressing CHP leader Kılıçdaroğlu, Erdogan said: “Your deputy will stand up, he will insult my armed forces in an immoral and desperate way and he will not be able to put this on the door.” This nation will not forgive those who insult the army that cleaned up the coup plotters and clung to the defense of the country. used expressions.

Erdogan, regarding the transfer to Qatar of the Istanbul Stock Exchange, “This agreement after the Turkish Asset Fund has an 80.6 percent stake in the Istanbul Stock Exchange, which is the same than a year ago. ” said.


Following the increasing number of cases in the fight against the coronavirus, the Scientific Board of the Ministry of Health took action. It is on the agenda that the curfew, which has been applied between 8 p.m. and 10 a.m. on weekends for two weeks, is on the agenda, including working days. If this ban occurs, the weekend restriction will apply as in the early days of the pandemic. In addition, travel restrictions (entry-exit) may be imposed in some critical cities. Here are those provinces and other details;

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