Breaking news … Will schools open on September 21? … Important statements by Minister Selçuk


National Education Minister Selçuk speaks at the press conference on distance education studies and preparations for the new academic year.

Here are the statements of Minister Selçuk:

We have been working on our preparations for months, as we have always said that these measures must be taken regardless of the setting. Now, of course, there is bitterness, but as you know, this is a situation that occurs all over the world. And in this context, that Turkey should emphasize the measures taken in certain countries, we share it every day. I’ll start with a presentation today; Then we will also have the opportunity to go into detail about your questions.

Latest news ... Will schools open on September 21 ... Important statements from Minister Selçuk

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This is an important question. Our answer to this question is really very clear. Currently we see the world as it is because of the health conditions of distance education in Turkey is a separate place. We have been sharing some stages with you since March.

At first, you know, we opened TV channels. We fill the contents of these channels according to school levels. We always said that there are very few countries in the world that can do this. Now we have become very assertive in quality.

We filmed 3,358 lessons. The entire process of completing a lesson takes approximately 5 days. Please think how many years it will be when you repeat it over and over again.

Still, this process continues to deepen and increase the experience. Well, have we just been satisfied with television? No. We established live platforms, it is content that is found in a few countries in the world in terms of being educational content based on artificial intelligence. Measure the student’s level, recommending the department according to their situation, according to the student’s pace; an intelligence that can say that if you go at this speed, I changed parts, I reduced them, I increased them. Or a system that automatically knows what deficiency in the subject is caused by a problem that a student does not know and brings it ready to the screen.

And if I have a million students, a system that can take a million separate mock exams. This topic is critical for us.

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It is also a very important period for our teachers. I have been in education for many years. I’ve never seen an in-service training like this year.

Our teachers are constantly in training; especially in the development of digital skills.

What else have we done? We did live classes. The number of countries that can have a live class in the world does not exceed 3-4. Here we had our shortcomings and mistakes. How do we know? We did an investigation, we investigated about the distance education process.

Teachers and students have the opportunity for a synchronous education here as in the classroom.

We measure distance education instantly. At what class level, how many live classrooms, what movement is there, how many of our teachers are active, what is the activity of teachers in secondary education, what city, what town, we are seeing all this instantly.

For the first time, we view summer vacation as an educational opportunity. Our television channels constantly opened summer programs and summer schools. During the summer holidays, we set up design skills workshops. It can be related to all kinds of children’s digital skills, drama. It is important to have the opportunity to have a workshop on all topics and to have the opportunity to participate personally.


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We carry out an important program in foreign language literature. We said that we can give all the lessons learned during a year in one summer. We develop and present international content at A1 level and other levels.

The most visited sites in the 10 sites found in Turkey, the most visited sites in the world have a special place in terms of EBA. We will take it much further.

I can easily say that the number of clicks and the sustainable realization of this are also of particular importance.

Support our children who do not have an Internet package so that they have the opportunity to access; Positive news came back from the operators today. Our children’s education fees are doubled. In this sense, there will be news.

We receive thousands of requests from teachers. We have such an advantage that we can now offer personalized training. So it could be ‘I want to broach this topic’. It was the voluntary support of the main brands around the world. And there was the training of hundreds of thousands of our teachers and a certification ceremony two days ago. We make sure that tens of thousands of our teachers are certified around the world. More than 5,000 high school students have received internationally valid certificates.

As a result of our research, especially our children who have access problems, primary school children also need some concrete tools. For the first time in Turkey, we have the story of a study based on a curriculum. While a child’s life is covered, math, social studies, and science are studied there. The kids loved it so much. I hope this continues. It was delivered into the hands of 22,700 primary school students, delivered in a concrete way.

Latest news ... Will schools open on September 21 ... Important statements from Minister Selçuk

Homemade children’s stories … We open a contest, you are sitting at home, let’s have a story contest, let’s write a story. Tens of thousands of stories arrived. It looks very interesting. The children reflected what happened in their own lives in the story.

Latest news ... Will schools open on September 21 ... Important statements from Minister Selçuk

And a very special jury read these stories, made a decision. And we have printed it concretely. This is a job that really impressed me. It is amazing when I read the experiences of children.

Details are coming …
