BREAKING NEWS: What will the course hours be like in face-to-face education? (MoNE in-person training statement)


The Ministry of National Education sent a letter with the technical details of the face-to-face training application that will begin on September 21 to the provincial directorates of national education.

In the first week of early childhood education, the adaptation training will take place in 1 day, 30 minutes of 5 hours of activity. The week after the integration week, which covers the dates of September 28 to October 2, and then, the training will take place in preschool educational institutions during 5 hours of activity of 30 minutes per day, 2 days a week. Education will continue in line with the same planning to this date in the institutions that continue their face-to-face training in preschool education until September 21.

Elementary school 1st grade students will provide orientation training for 5 lessons of 30 minutes each in the first week of classroom training. The week after the integration week, which covers the dates of September 28 to October 2, and then, 2 days a week, 5 hours of 30-minute face-to-face training will be provided. There will be a 10 minute rest period between lessons. School administrations will make the necessary plans, including duty of duty, to maintain social distance between students during recess.
