Breaking News … Very Important 10-Day Details on the Coronavirus Vaccine! Vaccination in volunteers.


Fish, AA correspondent, is expected to introduce the reliability of the inactivated vaccine in Turkey in the next few days and work has been found in evaluating the vaccine in volunteers.

Noting that phase 3 clinical studies of the CoronaVac vaccine produced by Sinovac and the mRNA vaccine developed by the Pfizer BioNTech companies continue, Balık said that they also followed the volunteers from both studies.

In Turkey, the Sinovac Fish vaccine indicates that the results of the phase 3 study have not yet been disclosed, “the World Health Organization announced in summer. This vaccine is worth using, including about 60-70 percent of the hand in mass vaccination will be implemented as a batch, although effective is considered a vaccine in the world of science. by. ” I speak.

Turkey, on the part of the participants, volunteered to work with the inactivated Fish vaccine on allegations that they saw coronavirus, said:

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“The number of volunteers in Turkey was close to 4 thousand. The data of the next few days, the Turkey phase 3 study will be announced as a picture. How the placebo cases (blank) side of the case on what happens on the vaccine side of the network data shortly before arriving in Turkey Before the tests are done or until the tests are completed, it will be reported to the Ministry of Health as a preliminary report. Then we can indicate this number with greater clarity. But in any case, even 12 cases, we can say that it is a very low number considering the request to so many volunteers. We still do not know if it is by hand-made vaccine or if it is by placebo. Everyone has to wait a few days more to know for sure. administering a vaccine will be approximately 24-25 this month. up to this point compared to phase 3 studies in Turkey Preliminary information on the report will have reached the Ministry. It will start after our health authority has definitive information on the safety and efficacy of the vaccine. “

Balık said that some positive volunteers may be those corresponding to the vaccine, he said: “Secondly, after vaccination, the body has not had enough time to create an immune response. Because the vaccine begins to protect 10 days after the Second vaccine. If this time you have been exposed to the virus before, these people may have been infected as a result. Furthermore, we recommend that those who have the vaccine and those who have the disease follow the measures of mask and distance. The reason is that in the vaccinated the protection against infection and prevention of the disease is definitely known. How much does it prevent the disease or how much does it prevent transmission to others after contracting the infection? The relevant information will be revealed later. In the foreground, the vaccine will definitely slow down the spread of infection and slow down the epidemic rate. If the vaccine is administered widely throughout the world, the rate of infect ction will decline significantly in the spring as summer approaches, and the numbers will decline. secret. “found the evaluation.

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Noting that there are questions about whether those who have had coronavirus will also be vaccinated, Balık made the following assessments:

“When we look at the results of the Phase-1 and Phase-2 studies and the preliminary reports from Phase-3, you see that those who have the disease and those who are vaccinated need to be vaccinated again after a while. Vaccine protection is estimated at around 6 months to 1 year. We know that coronavirus infections do not create permanent immunity. A picture similar to the flu vaccine awaits us. Information on whether vaccines will be re-vaccinated 6 months later or 1 year later it has become clearer. Likewise, will a single dose be sufficient in the second administration or will it be necessary to administer two consecutive doses as in the first time? Information on this will emerge after the follow-up of the phase studies 3.

Stating that they will continue to follow the volunteers for 1-2 years and that clear data will be formed on the effectiveness of the vaccine after 1-2 years, Balık claimed that the vaccine was manufactured due to an emergency situation.

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Balık claimed that the pandemic continues at full speed and deaths are occurring, saying that if this continues at this rate, they will face a serious burden of disease and many people will lose their lives.

Stating that the scientific world has to produce a solution to this situation, Balık said, “The most important weapon we have is the vaccine. Starting to use the vaccine as soon as possible is the only weapon to slow the pace of the epidemic. So even if Phase 3 studies are not fully published, we cannot see long-term results. It will be enough to see that the vaccine is safe and effective. ” I speak.


Balık emphasized that this epidemic, which can be called the disaster of the century, can end with vaccines, noting that it is not possible for this epidemic to end in the short term when people transmit the disease naturally.

Sinovac vaccine that participated in the clinical studies, Fish, indicating that a significant side effect was found, “both groups, the vaccine also found a serious side effect in our volunteers. Both Turkey is an important side effect were observed related with the vaccine, as well as around the world in general. After the side effects so far in the past in all vaccines not much different from the classic side effects that we see. ” said.

Recalling that the Sinovac vaccine and the mRNA vaccine have been tested in a large number of people, Pisces said: “Since there are no problems with their safety and their effectiveness is obvious, the whole world began to adopt the vaccines in practice. as soon as possible to slow the pace of the epidemic.


Emphasizing that calling inactive vaccines a Chinese vaccine is terminologically wrong, Balık said:

“Because it is not the Chinese who found this vaccine. The inactivated vaccine technology is a type of vaccine that has been used for a long time and that can be manufactured by many countries. The vaccine that will be produced in our country, which is still being studying, it is also an inactivated vaccine. Chinese vaccine terminology has led to a misperception. The important thing here is where the vaccine is produced. ” China’s Sinovac vaccine has also completed these stages, studies have been conducted in our own country, our society can safely use the vaccines approved by the Ministry of Health, whether they are mRNA or Sinovac. If we can access it early, I advise all of our people to get vaccinated. “
