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BREAKING NEWS: Verdict on Assange’s Extradition Case in England


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England’s court has issued its verdict on WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

The court rejected Assange’s extradition request by the United States.

The United States had requested the extradition of Julian Assange for revealing confidential information and endangering the lives of officials.

Judge Vanesa Baraitser did not accept the lawyers’ statement, but took seriously the threat that Assange would commit suicide if he was extradited to the United States. Judge Baraitser said the extradition order was rejected.

Julian Assange was forcibly removed from the embassy after seven years in the British embassy in Ecuador last year. Assange was detained by British police when they took him out of the embassy.


One of WikiLeaks’ most striking revelations was the Iraq dossier released in 2010, which included documents such as the killing of civilians, including those who surrendered, and the torture of prisoners.

In this file, images of the murder of 15 people, including 2 employees of the Reuters news agency, came to light as a result of open fire from an Apache helicopter belonging to the US military.

In the images taken with the helicopter camera, his crew said: “Keep shooting, keep shooting”, laughing and using abusive expressions. was heard.

The US military did not punish the soldiers, claiming there were “rebels and journalists” in an area where the soldier was about to be ambushed. He also said: “We couldn’t tell if they (Reuters employees) were carrying cameras or weapons at the time.” an explanation was made.

But the brother of one of the Reuters employees who died said: “My question is how highly skilled American pilots, equipped with advanced technology, cannot distinguish between a camera and a rocket launcher.” expressed his suspicion.

In the Iraqi file, there were also documents showing incidents such as the killing of civilians at checkpoints, the helicopter shooting of two people who arrived at a military base to surrender, the burning of a prisoner with acid by soldiers. Americans and the execution of a prisoner by the Iraqi army before the eyes of American soldiers.

The order not to take legal action against the torture of Iraqi soldiers, who worked together after the coalition or the occupation, came out thanks to this file.

The US soldiers were identified as they watched Blackwater security company employees fire a vehicle in Iraq, killing a father and wounding his wife and daughter.

It was also mentioned in the file that the British security company Armor Group killed 2 employees who were trying to escape from the conflict zone.


WikiLeaks published more than 90,000 secret documents and reports about the war in Afghanistan in 2010. In documents revealing how devastating the war in Afghanistan was, it was revealed that the US-led coalition killed and hid hundreds of civilians.

Among the events in which civilians lost their lives, it was shown that US soldiers opened fire on the bus and killed 15 people, Polish soldiers raided a wedding and killed 5 people, including a pregnant woman and her child.

CIA personnel killed a man who eluded them, but later revealed that this man was deaf and dumb who did not listen to warnings, 300 civilians were killed in the alleged missile attack that killed 150 members of the Taliban, establishing a secret task force unit to kill Taliban leaders without taking them to court, United States’ Increasingly, information such as the use of drones controlled from Nevada and the deaths of many civilians in these attacks were also included.

Employees of companies doing business in the US Department of Defense were also found to sexually abuse children.


In 2007, WikiLeaks published the “United States Army Operating Procedure,” a manual for soldiers dealing with prisoners held at Guantanamo.

Human rights groups expressed concern after learning that prisoners could be denied access to the Red Cross for up to 4 weeks.

It turned out that inmates could earn “special rewards” for their good behavior and cooperation, and that “reward” was a roll of toilet paper.

Information on the methods of isolation of prisoners was also included in the published document to ensure greater cooperation.

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