Breaking News … ‘Vaccine’ Flash Message From President Erdogan


President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said his Friday prayer at Hz. Ali Mosque. The Chairman of Communications, Fahrettin Altun, the Governor of Istanbul, Ali Yerlikaya, the Mayor of Üsküdar, Hilmi Turkmen, and the Chairman of the Istanbul Province of the AK Party, Bayram Şenocak, accompanied Erdogan.

Erdogan responded to questions from members of the press outside the mosque.

Latest news ... Flash message on President Erdogan's vaccine

Erdogan’s statements are as follows:

“Unfortunately, our people did not pay much attention to our warnings.

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We saw that the number of cases decreased in the provinces that received attention. When we relaxed it a bit, we saw that the number of cases suddenly started to increase, especially in Ankara and Istanbul.

Now we have to re-tighten.

That is why the Scientific Committee and the Ministry of Health have to increase measures.

We have made our approaches in places like public transportation and wedding halls more stable.

We did not enjoy this. It’s just because of our sensitivity to our people. That is why our people should not have problems.

Now a positive turn has begun in some of our provinces.

Latest news ... Flash message on President Erdogan's vaccine


Our vaccine studies continue rigorously from the beginning, especially TÜBİTAK.

In addition, the private sector continues these studies with our Ministry of Industry and Technology and our Ministry of Health.

We see that we will receive some positive signals after the New Year.


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This kind of news has made us sad. Sarrac, in a way, has almost reached the point of getting rid of this occupation of the coup plotter Hafter.

Now the coup plotter Hafter is lost every day. In the end, we see that the coup leader Haftar will lose.

But we received this news from Mr. Sarrac … We also gave you some news.

Our delegations may have some meetings this week.


We have no problem meeting with Miçotakis. What we will see, this is the main thing.

If they try to do what they do as an imposition, I don’t make sense.

If we take Oruç Reis to the port for maintenance, it means something. But the withdrawal of the Chief of Fasting to the port does not mean that our seismic investigation will be complete. When repair-maintenance is completed, it will continue to work exactly.

We see you. There is no such thing as escape in this regard. But whatever it is, the Greek president will come to the island and show his strength … We will make it much bigger.


The conversations can take place at any time at the intelligence point. “
