Speaking at the motion meeting, Ahat Andican, IYI Party deputy in Istanbul, stated that Azerbaijan’s victory in Karabakh made the big dreams of Armenia thrown away.
Russia, Azerbaijan and the Karabakh problem the treaty between Armenia Andizhan argued that the transport to a final solution, “I think, to the real problem of Karabakh begins at the time when the period during which it was installed but diplomacy on the desk, but in the international political dimension. Azerbaijan, Turkey and this victory has a great meaning for the Turkish world “I think it is necessary to make determinations with a realistic point of view and make projections for the future starting today, instead of celebrating with hamasi speeches.
It will be sent to the observation point that will be established by Turkey. The UAVs will be controlled by Turkish officers and the data remains Turkish soldiers and emphasizing the need to be analyzed by officers in Andijan, said that this case could be a function of the observation point.
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MHP Kayseri deputy İsmail Özdemir stated that Azerbaijan won an honorable and historic victory and that this victory was the rise of Turkey. Özdemir pointed out that the Nagorno-Karabakh issue has been considered as one of the areas of importance since the first day of the problem.
Russia, Azerbaijan and monitoring whether it complied with the ceasefire in the region according to the treaty between Armenia for the purpose of invasion rescued the Azerbaijani territory in a joint center that Ozdemir will describe, Turkey, at the request of Azerbaijan in this center and said that it agreed that Russia is carried out jointly.
Azerbaijan’s locations will be determined in the collective centers to be established between Turkey and Russia and operations will be conducted by this central voice of the Turkish Armed Forces aimed at serving civilian personnel as deemed necessary, with Ozdemir staff, said:
* Mehmetçik, who will go to the region at the request of Azerbaijan, will reinforce our destiny together as two sons of a mother and two servants of a purpose as we fulfill our commitments to Azerbaijan. It will also assume responsibility for the establishment of peace, security, peace and stability in the Caucasus. It should be made clear that standing alongside Azerbaijan in the same region is also a necessity to build a common future and protect the interests of our country.
* We were together with our relatives who lived in Azerbaijan yesterday, we are together today and we will remain one and together tomorrow with the permission of Allah. Furthermore, Armenia is known to have brought many terrorists within the PKK / PYD from Syria to the region during the war. We can never condone the existence of these terrorists who pose a direct threat to our national security in the Caucasus. In this context, Mehmetçik will fulfill an important and absolutely necessary duty in Karabakh for our national survival. “
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HDP Adana MP Tulay Hatımoğulları Oruç said that both Armenians and Azerbaijanis suffered great trauma during the Armenian-Azerbaijani war, and that the two sister peoples paid the price of the war.
Oruç said: “As HDP, yesterday we did not say ‘Yes’ to the peoples who are hurting each other, the deepening of regional conflicts, the conflict of our neighboring peoples for any reason, and today we do not say ‘Yes’ to any military movement. We have always expressed our determination not to insist on a solution through dialogue, peace and political methods in foreign policy to the second plan, ”he said.