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BREAKING NEWS: Statement from the Ministry of Defense on coup insinuation


last minute “data-mce-href =” “> Latest news! The Ministry of National Defense (MSB) aims at the security and survival of the country and the nation by the Turkish Armed Forces He stated that he was determined to continue his fight against the camps with determination.

In the statement made by the Ministry of National Defense, all the unions and institutions of the Ministry, especially terrorist organizations such as FETO, PKK / YPG and ISIS, and inspired by the love, trust and prayer of the noble nation, with the understanding of “If I die, if I die a martyr”, and it was stated that he fulfilled his duties beyond the borders with heroism and sacrifice.

The statement recorded:

“The Turkish Armed Forces, also known as the Prophet’s Center, are in the light of reason and science with their national, spiritual and professional values ​​that have flown from our glorious history of thousands of years, within the framework of the Constitution, in accordance with the laws and directives of our President, under the orders and command of successive superiors and commanders, in command of the nation, at the beginning of their duty. The Turkish Armed Forces are determined to continue their struggle with determination against those who attack the security and survival of our country and nation and those who seek antidemocracy while ignoring the will of the nation. “
