Breaking news: Rahmi Koç’s crown test was positive


The General Directorate of the American Hospital reported that Rahmi Koç, Honorary President of Koç Holding, tested positive for COVID-19. According to the statement from the General Directorate of the American Hospital, it was indicated that the Honorary President of Koç Holding, Rahmi M. Koç, applied to the American Hospital with mild symptoms of upper respiratory tract infection on October 16, 2020 and the COVID-19 test came back positive on exam. In the statement, it was reported that Koç was in good health and was monitored at the hospital for precautionary purposes.


Rahmi Koç, who was allegedly infected with the coronavirus in the organization celebrated for his birthday on October 9, also took some measures for his birthday party. Due to the pandemic, a limited number of guests were invited to the birthday party, and those who attended the party were asked to get tested for coronavirus.

Born in 1930

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Rahmi Koç, honorary chairman of Koç Holding and member of the board of directors, was born on October 9, 1930 in Ankara. After having studied Business Administration at Johns Hopkins University (USA), Koç moved to Koç Ticaret, which represented the Koç Group in Ankara in 1960. Founded in 1963, when the headquarters of Koç Holding, located in Ankara, moved to Istanbul in 1964, Rahmi Koç moved to Istanbul and became the General Coordinator of Koç Holding. After that, he became Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors in 1970, Vice Chairman of the Board in 1975, and Chairman of the Board in 1980, respectively. When the late Vehbi Koç left the Board of Directors on March 30, 1984, Rahmi Koç was elected Chairman. When he retired on April 4, 2003, his eldest son, Mustafa V. Koç, was appointed Chairman of the Board of Directors. Rahmi Koç has been a member of the Board of Directors and has received the title of Honorary President since this date.
