Breaking News … President Erdogan’s Quick Words: ‘I Don’t Even Have To Say The Disgusting Headlines’


When participating in the World TRT Forum with a video message, President Erdogan stated that he was very happy to be with the participants in the forum organized for the fourth time.

Hoping that the World TRT Forum, which sees the ground for fruitful discussions for the world, the region and the country, will be successful, Erdogan said that this year the Forum was organized with the theme “International order and changing dynamics in the post-epidemic world. “

Erdogan stated that during the two-day “online” sessions, topics from digitization to technology, from trade to conflicts in Syria, Yemen and Karabakh, will be discussed, each more important than the other.

Erdogan thanked all the people of science, media and politics who will contribute to the forum with their experiences inside and outside the country, congratulated the TRT administration and all the institutions that supported this beautiful program and wished them success.


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Noting that the coronavirus epidemic has left deep marks on all aspects of life, Erdogan continued his words as follows:

“With the epidemic, we have to make radical changes in our bilateral relations, the economy, purchasing methods and many other areas. We see that the media, politics and international relations are also affected by this wave of change. The new ones Media tools that have been emerging for some time have become widespread in the outlook revealed by the epidemic. Digitization has come to the fore in both the press and commerce. Of course, we cannot say that traditional media have completely lost its influence, but we cannot deny that we are faced with a new reality, I believe that the discussions of the experts at the TRT World Forum will set new horizons for us at this time.


Expressing that he wanted to emphasize an issue as a political one, Erdogan asserted that technology, like everything else in life, exists to facilitate human life.

Underlining that digitization, which views human beings as a whole with their material and spiritual existence, will bring good results for everyone, Erdoğan said:

“When it is perceived as an area outside the law, where there is no control, open to arbitrariness, the place digitization will take us is fascism. Therefore, digitization must not lead to new injustices, new injustices, new marginalization while expanding the field of freedom. Unfortunately, with the widespread use of social media platforms in recent years, There are very serious problems, under the heading of “unlimited freedom” a completely uncontrolled space is created and created a new victimization Once, they cannot find an interlocutor to whom to present their complaints, nor a legal means to claim their rights.


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Erdogan claimed that another aspect of the problem is that social media platforms do not even make an effort to prevent increased victimization.

“The well-intentioned steps that states have taken in order to protect their citizens are immediately taken to the parenthesis of” intervention to freedoms “and an attempt is made to leave them right. Erdogan said:

“It is a time in Turkey to express the injustices that took place on this issue, no one. We emphasize that no company is above the law. In recent months we have enacted in a legal agreement, the representatives of media companies We have an obligation to our country. We recognize the jurisdiction of international law in doing so, freedom and security. We act with consideration for balance. Our citizens, in particular, intend to protect our children who are more vulnerable than adults. Our hope is that they see outside the law, these institutions of our country is not a voluntary support for well-intentioned efforts. Otherwise, Turkey will continue to protect the law of citizens in all circumstances. “

President Erdoğan stated that the importance of spreading the work done in today’s world to the international public is increasing.

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In Turkey on this issue, unfortunately, Erdogan has long drawn attention that many years of great anguish attracted, “Turkey’s achievements in the international arena, the great change experienced in the country, equity in the outside world does not occur. no way. In fact, in most cases, a different is ignored by our success or distorted. Transferring the way. Not to discover the truth, it is looking to Turkey to find answers suitable to the orientalist patterns in mind. ” He spoke in the form.

‘I don’t even need to say disgusting fists’

Recalling that the country was subjected to very serious injustices and double standards, especially in the process that began with the Gezi Events since 2013, Erdogan affirmed that those who burn the streets are portrayed as peaceful protesters by the international media that broadcast live The 24 hours of the day.

Underlining that members of the separatist terrorist organization that shed the blood of hundreds of thousands of civilians in Syria grace the covers of so-called prestigious Western magazines, Erdogan continued his words as follows:

But when the same events later occurred in different European countries, the press freedom conferees played three monkeys. They ignored the yellow vests for weeks in the heart of Paris. They never mentioned the disproportionate intervention by the French police that blinded the protesters. The blockade of French state organs against the media. We see a similar double standard repeated in the practices of the Israeli security forces that resemble state terrorism against the Palestinians. The ambulance carrying the ambulance was stopped and the wounded were detained, which caused no reaction in the international press. “

Recep Tayyip Erdogan stated that he did not even need to say the disgusting headlines that point to him almost every day.

As someone who is familiar with this bias, Erdogan drew attention to the fact that it is the attacks on the saints that really hurt and offend them: “It is really shameful that the media is against Islamophobia and xenophobia. It is poisoning the desire to live together. If this nonbrane attitude is not called ‘stop’, Europe and all humanity will suffer. ” used expressions.


Erdogan, in this regard “essence, people said” philosophy that is Turkey’s gateway to the TRT world, TRT World, especially stressed the fall of important responsibilities.

Erdogan noted that TRT World’s goal “to retell the story in a new language, extend the microphone to those who do not speak, put the camera in the invisible” is extremely valuable, and said: “In the monotony of international media Today, TRT World is Justified Against Injustices, Oppressed Against Tyrants, Justice Against Injustices I believe that in the 4 years since its inception, TRT World has filled a significant gap with its skilled staff, including world-renowned journalists. I wish you success in your important but honorable role. I congratulate the employees with all my heart. ” said.

Wishing TRT World Forum a successful success, President Erdogan thanked everyone who contributed on behalf of their country, nation and person.
