BREAKING NEWS: New development in the Pfizer-Biontech vaccine: the vaccine can last up to 6 hours between 2 and 8 degrees


A press conference was held after the coronavirus vaccine developed by Pfizer and Biontech was approved in England.

Biontech CFO Sean Marett announced that after recent studies, their vaccines can be transported between 2 and 8 degrees for up to 6 hours.

However, Marett claimed that it can be stored in refrigerated warehouses for 5 days, but the vaccine will deteriorate after five days at temperatures above freezing.


After the UK accepted the effect of the Pfizer-Biontech vaccine, Marett announced that the UK would not take all the doses produced, it would be a fair distribution. Marett announced that the vaccines will be shipped to England by plane and ship, and claimed there will be another way after the Brexit transition period.

CFO Marett said they have contracts with ten countries and negotiations are continuing with other countries.


In making a statement on the matter, Professor Özlem Türeci, BioNTech’s Chief Medical Officer, stated that they welcomed the urgent use of the vaccine developed with UK Pfizer and announced that the process of distributing the vaccine in the UK has started. .

Türeci said in a statement that the vaccine will be in the country in a few days. However, Professor Türeci recalled that they requested the European Medicines Agency (EMA) for the conditional use of the vaccine on the market and the US Food and Drug Administration for urgent use, saying: “We hope that the FDA and EMA decision will be announced in mid-December. “

Stating that more details regarding third-stage clinical trials will be shared in the days of our life, Türeci stated that the vaccine provides effective results in all genders, ages, and ethnicities, and that there is no difference in protection rates. between those who were previously infected with Covid-19 and those who were not.

On the other hand, Türeci commented on the issue of how much immunity the vaccine will provide: “We will continue to monitor vaccinated hearts.”

Biontech CEO Uğur Şahin in his statement said:

“Because the vaccine is based on mRNA, it does not contain a virus vector, there is no risk of infection, the messenger RNA molecules disappear naturally in the body within a few days of activating the immune system.

The vaccine also activates T and B cells in the immune system. In this form, it is believed to provide long-term protection against the virus.

Research continues on the stability of the vaccine at -20 degrees. We will learn more about this in the coming weeks.

We continue our work to keep it between 2-8 degrees.

The vaccine was found to show the same effectiveness in all races, genders, and ages.

The messenger RNA used in the vaccine has been investigated by scientists for more than 50 years and this technology allows a large number of doses to be produced in a short time.

We will continue to track long-term outcomes in subjects for 2 years and share data.


-95% efficacy in all subjects in clinical trials. More than 94% efficacy in subjects over 65 years of age.

-United States, Germany, Turkey, South Africa, Brazil and more than 43 thousand subjects participated in the phase 3 trial in Argentina.

Rare side effects: Headache 2% Fatigue 3.8% The vaccine was well tolerated in most subjects.

Mild side effects disappeared a few days after the vaccine was given.

– The most common side effects are pain at the injection site, fatigue, headache, and muscle aches.

– WHO announced that the data sent by Pfizer and BionTech will be reviewed and evaluated for the emergency use list. This can set a precedent for countries that will make emergency use decisions in each country.
