Breaking News Minister of Justice: applications will be softened after the party


Justice Minister Abdulhamit Gul said: “In the new standardization, we are planning our work in four branches. A roadmap study was conducted for courts, penal institutions, notary public offices, and institutions affiliated with the ministry. After the holidays, all applications will be smoothed out, our planning is ready. “

The ninth coordination meeting on measures taken against the coronavirus in the justice services was held. The meeting, chaired by Minister of Justice Abdulhamit Gül, was held at 12:00. Mehmet Yilmaz, Vice President of the HSK, met with the head of the HCC First Department, Halil Koc, the President of the Union of Turkish Bar Associations, Metin Feyzioğlu, the Notary of Turkey, Deputy Minister Oner, Deputy Minister Oner, Zechariah Birkan, Saban Yilmaz, Uğurhan Bird and the bureaucrats of the Ministry of Justice. Justice Minister Gül, who made a statement after the meeting, said: “The virus, which is a problem in the world, does not distinguish religion, language and does not persecute race.” We are going through interesting days that this virus, which does not distinguish between ideology, has taught us. It reminded us once again how many freedoms are most valuable to us. In these quarantine days we are in, we have remembered the value of the most basic human rights much better and we have understood it once again. ”


Noting that there is the highest level of determination to preserve judicial goals in the new normal, Minister Gül said: “We all want the new period to be a period of greater freedom, law and justice, and we see it as an important basis to further strengthen human rights law. ” . For this reason, we are determined to carry out all the reforms that we have committed to our nation. All of this work that we have done and tried to do is to produce citizen-oriented solutions based on fundamental rights and freedoms under the rule of law. All our meetings with our coordination meetings, legal associations and non-governmental organizations aim to find this common value. ”

Claiming that they plan to work from 4 branches in the new standardization process, Gül said: “A roadmap study has been carried out for courts, penal institutions, notary offices and affiliated institutions of the ministry. After the party, all applications will be smoothed out, our planning is ready. When connected to a specific calendar, they will be shared with the public. All these studies will come into force with the approval of the Board of the Ministry of Health and Science and the approval of the guidelines in this regard. “

Noting that notaries public have started their normal working period as of today, Minister Gül said: “The Institute of Forensic Medicine has also started its studies again. In the next period, standardization will start by reviewing other applications under the direction of the Scientific Committee. As we do this, we will listen to the voice of science and follow the recommendations of the Ministry of Health. We will eliminate the process of abolishing the measures with the suggestions of the Scientific Committee, just as we have taken with the recommendations of the Scientific Committee when taking the measures. “


“The enforcement dimension and the justice system have taken a historical role in this historical period,” said Gul. “I would like to pay attention to two issues in this process.” The first is work bedroom activities. In this process, we have concentrated the activities of business dormitories in the activities of health centers. Today, in a jumpsuit worn by a health worker, who knows which convict has manual labor in the mask a citizen wears. The crimes committed by convicts and detainees do not change the fact that these people are part of our society. Today, the dormitory institution performs a very important mission in the preparatory phase of society as an example for everyone. It is clear that the people who produce, are beneficial and are happy to be beneficial are indispensable for social order and health. Here, our basic focus is the value we place on people. The work dorms also showed a very important success story in preparing convicts for society. In our workshops, convicts have made many productions from masks to overalls, from surgical gowns to glasses. Since March 16, approximately 7 million masks have been produced, 900,000 overalls, more than 2 million gauzes, 633,000 medical glasses have been manufactured. In addition, 80 tons of cologne, 2,500 tons of cleaning materials and disinfectants were produced. “
