Breaking News: Minister Akar – We will neutralize the last terrorist and finish this job


Akar was accompanied by the Chief of Staff General Yaşar Güler, the Commander of the Land Forces, General Ümit Dündar, the Commander of the Naval Forces, Adnan Adnan Özbal, and the Commander of the Air Forces, General Hasan Küçükakyüz of the Command of the Aksaz Naval Base, where they followed Exercise Tiger Claw 2020, to the Second Main Jet Base in Izmir. He passed under his command.

Akar, who met with the staff here, stated that the outstanding achievements of the Air Force Command in domestic and foreign operations to this day further strengthened the prestige of the Turkish Armed Forces around the world.

Stating that the Air Force, which brings together its qualified personnel with state-of-the-art technology, will continue to fulfill its duties with the same determination and determination, Akar said: “The work done so far has yielded important results. As of now, this work Prospective will continue to work with the same determination and determination. We will accomplish whatever is necessary in this regard and continue to fulfill our responsibilities to our noble nation. ” I speak.

Noting that the responsibilities and duties of the TSK increased after the treacherous coup attempt on July 15, Akar emphasized that a regionally important and sensitive period was under way.

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President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, leader of Turkey’s signaling became a topic in the international arena “Akar effect and as a result we have expanded our field of attention so much. The effects and expansion of our interests also increases our duty and responsibility. That is why more than ever “We have to work, do heroism and sacrifice more than ever. Why? To protect and protect the rights, interests and interests of our country and our nation. The TSK’s duty, which arises from the bosom of this nation, is our sovereignty, independence, our noble nation and its lands on land, sea and air. To ensure the security of our sovereign areas, we have continued our work day and night with the inspiration we receive from the love, trust and prayer of our noble nation, and from now on we will continue with the same determination. used the expression.

Referring to counterterrorism operations, Akar continued his words as follows:

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“In northern Iraq, our Army and Air Forces are working hard. Our goal is to neutralize terrorists. In doing so, we respect the borders of all our neighbors. But there are attacks and harassment of terrorists coming from the land of our neighbors. We also protect our borders and our citizens, and We speak with our Iraqi brothers and explain this to them. We are determined to get rid of the terrorists who have continued their attacks against our country and our nation for 40 years. We will save our noble nation from this calamity. With the operations carried out so far, we have destroyed their caves and shelters at home and beyond the border. We will continue. We will neutralize the last terrorist and finish this work. We will save our nation from this problem. This is our job, our effort, our goal Our work continues day and night.


Recalling the successful operations against terror targets in northern Syria, Akar said: “If these operations did not exist, everyone should know what the area we call the corridor of terror could become. If these operations did not exist, our nation would have had to deal with very different problems. Therefore, the destruction of that corridor of terror is very valuable, important. ” I speak.

Stating that activities in Idlib continue to negotiate with the Russians, Akar said: “Although there are occasional violations of the ceasefire, the ceasefire and stability continue. In this environment of peace, a total of 1 million Syrian brothers, 450 One thousand of whom are in Idlib, are in their homes and lands. Could return voluntarily and safely. ” used the expression.

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Referring to the fight against the new type of coronavirus epidemic (Kovid-19), Akar stated that they have taken intensive measures since March.

Stating that KOMMER was established within the Ministry and that this was reflected in other units, Akar said: “You have exhibited a very successful fight under the leadership and management of these friends and in their coordination. Let us not allow any triumph or oversight at the point at which We have arrived. Thank God for now, this is from our ships, areas of operation, pilots. We managed to keep the issue at bay. We will continue this fight with the same seriousness, attention and sensitivity. Our operations are not affected and we will not allow get affected. ”He said.

The deep-rooted traditions, national, spiritual and professional values ​​of the TSK, also known as the home of the prophet, and its national, spiritual and professional values, in the light of wisdom and science, within the framework of the Constitution and laws, In accordance with the instructions of President Erdogan, under the command and command of the ordained commanders, Stating that he will continue at the head of his duty, Akar said: “The greatest thanks should be relied upon, and the greatest success is to be worthy of this trust. The love and trust of our noble nation in us are at the highest level. Our duty is to be worthy of this trust and love. For him, today and tomorrow. We will continue to fulfill the task entrusted to us by making all kinds of sacrifice and heroism with determination and determination. ” I speak.
