Breaking news: Latest status on coronavirus vaccine! A critical statement came after the Scientific Committee …



As previously shared with the public, we are closely following different vaccination studies and continuing our efforts to achieve vaccines that have been shown to be effective and safe as soon as possible. We have signed a contract for the supply of an inactivated virus vaccine. We are also in talks for an mRNA vaccine.

BREAKING NEWS: Latest status on coronavirus vaccine! Important statement after the Coronavirus Scientific Committee

With the vaccines that will be introduced in the coming days, our hands will be stronger in protecting against the epidemic and it will be possible for us to obtain successful results against the epidemic with other measures. Discussions about vaccines that are far from scientific truth do nothing but break our strength in the fight we hope to win. Both our scientists and our Ministry are concerned about the safety and efficacy of the vaccine, not about the origin. Therefore, the decisions to be made and the concrete steps to be taken about vaccines will determine the short and long-term safety and effectiveness of the vaccines developed.


The vaccine, which is one of the three vaccines that we are closest to supplying at this time, and which reached the first clinical studies among the vaccines developed in our country with the vaccine that we signed with the contract, are known as “inactive” vaccines. . Inactivated vaccines are vaccines that have been applied in our country for many years for different diseases and their long-term safety is known. Our facilities and logistics infrastructure are ready for the administration of vaccines after delivery.


The other vaccine that we are about to provide is the mRNA vaccine and it is a genetically effective vaccine that can be produced in a shorter time. MRNA vaccines are prepared with a new technology applied to humans. Successful short-term results have been obtained in studies. Our calls for other alternative vaccines that may be relevant to Turkish standards are ongoing.
