According to the statement on the OSYM website, the images of the answer sheets and the marks they make on the answer sheets of the candidates who entered the KPSS on October 25 at the associate degree level are read by optical readers and the Correct answers to the questions “https: // ais .osym.gov.tr” will be accessible for 10 days from the Internet address.
Candidates will be able to see the image of the answer sheet they used in the exam, their scores, the candidate responses obtained as a result of reading these marks with optical readers, and the correct answers to the questions after logging in with their TR identification numbers and passwords.
Additionally, when candidates click on the question numbers in the form where their answers and answer keys are posted, they will be able to browse the question root, answer options, and their own answer to the question with the correct answer in the new window for each question.
The questions will be displayed in the sequence of questions and options in the brochure used by the candidate in the exam. On the corresponding page, the total number of correct, incorrect and blank answers and the raw test scores of the candidates will also be displayed.
The displayed page will not qualify as a document.