Breaking news! Joint Turkey-Iran Declaration Released!


Iran-Turkey High-Level Joint Statement on the Sixth Meeting of the Cooperation Council, “(Parties), the PKK / PJAK and all terrorist organizations in the region, taking into account that Turkey and represents a common threat to the security of Iran, the PKK is on the common / PJAK border and they emphasized that it is the responsibility of both countries to make the most of existing cooperation mechanisms against the actions of other terrorist organizations and to take coordinated measures, including joint operations, for results-oriented cooperation. against terrorism and organized crime “. the expression was used.

In a joint statement, the sixth meeting of the High-Level Cooperation Council between the Republic of Turkey and the Islamic Republic of Iran, the President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and the President of Iran, Hassan Rouhani, co-chaired and coordinated the Republic of Turkey with the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Energy and Natural Resources, Treasury and Finance of both countries. It was noted that the Ministers of the Interior, Health, Industry and Technology, Trade and Transport and Infrastructure and their counterparts were held today via videoconference with the participation of the President of the Administration of the Presidency of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Ministers of Petroleum, Interior, Energy, Roads and Urban Planning, Health and Medical Education.

In the statement, it was noted that “the parties that reviewed their relations, regional evolution and the effects of the coronavirus epidemic (Kovid-19) reiterated their determination to continue developing good neighborly relations fueled by their strong political will and expressed their determination to effectively implement decisions on bilateral relations based on common interests. ” .

In the statement, which indicated that the parties emphasized the importance of closer consultation and cooperation in combating the epidemic in order to be more prepared in providing the necessary medical services, medicines and materials to their citizens with respect to Kovid -19, the parties have been briefed on bilateral and regional issues in order to further deepen cooperation between the two countries. The importance of maintaining a close political dialogue at all levels and the continuation of consultations within the framework of mechanisms covering different aspects of bilateral relations was noted.

In the statement, the parties reiterated their commitment to intensify joint efforts to reverse the downward trend in the volume of bilateral trade due to adverse global conditions, including Kovid-19, to take full advantage of mechanisms such as the Joint Economic Commission, the Joint Commission on Land Transportation and develop new areas of economic cooperation. were.

In the statement, the parties expressed their willingness to hold the 28th Meeting of the Joint Economic Commission as soon as possible, taking into account the conditions created by the epidemic, to continue advancing in economic cooperation, increase bilateral trade volume, and overcome challenges. economic created by Kovid-19. It was noted that the parties emphasized the importance of fully utilizing the Preferential Trade Agreement on the basis of common interests, expanding the scope of the agreement and improving the investment environment for entrepreneurs from both countries.


In the statement, in which it was announced that the parties agreed to “further strengthen cooperation in the fields of tourism and culture after eliminating the risks posed by Kovid-19, in order to further promote contacts between people. “, the parties” emphasized the importance of the energy sector and cooperation in this field on the basis of common benefit. It was stated that they confirmed the importance of continuing.

The statement included the following statements:

“The PKK / PJAK and all terrorist organizations in the region, considering that Turkey and represent a common threat against the security of Iran, the common border are equipped with the PKK / PJAK and other terrorist factors that fully benefit the mechanisms of Existing cooperation against the action of the elements of the organization and organized terrorism They emphasized that it is the responsibility of both countries to take coordinated measures, including joint operations, for results-oriented cooperation against crime.

They reaffirmed the importance of preserving the Comprehensive Joint Action Plan (JOBP), an exceptional achievement of multilateral diplomacy that enhances regional security and stability, approved by resolution 2231 of the United Nations Security Council, and the broad support of the United Nations Security Council for the preservation of the JAPD. welcome “.


The declaration establishes that the parties “address regional and global issues of common interest, and in this context, universally accepted principles, in particular, the principles of full respect for international law and the peaceful resolution of conflicts and non-recourse to the use of force or threat of force must continue to prevail in international relations. ” “By emphasizing their firm commitment to the sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of Syria, they reaffirm their conviction that the Syrian conflict can be resolved in accordance with all agreements in the Astana format and through a political process. in accordance with resolution 2254 of the United Nations Security Council “. .

The parties affirmed their commitment to the preservation of the territorial integrity, political unity and sovereignty of Iraq and reaffirmed their support for the Iraqi Government, aware that the stability, prosperity and security of Iraq is a prerequisite for peace and regional and international stability. It was noted that they emphasized their unwavering support for the comprehensive, just and permanent solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, in this context, they reiterated the need for the establishment of an independent and sovereign Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital, and expressed their support for Palestine against attempts by third countries to weaken the Palestinian cause.

In the statement, where the parties emphasized that sustainable peace and stability in Afghanistan can only be achieved through a peace process aimed at a political solution under the leadership and ownership of Afghanistan in real terms and declared their support for such a solution, the United Nations, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the Organization for Economic Cooperation, It was announced that they pointed out the importance of cooperation within international organizations such as the Conference on Cooperation and Confidence Building in Asia (CICA), Eight Developing Countries (D -8).

In the statement, it was noted that the parties expressed their good intentions to facilitate interaction between the legislative bodies of the two countries in order to foster bilateral cooperation in the framework of regional and international parliamentary bodies such as the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), the Asian Parliamentary Assembly (APA), the Parliamentary Union of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (ISIPAB). .
