Breaking news: IMM ceremony generated reactions! An explanation came from Religious Affairs


The statement of the Directorate of Religious Affairs is as follows:

In recent days, it has been observed that the public read the adhan in Turkish, the translation of the Quran was recited like the Quran, and in this context, the topics of worship in Turkish are discussed and many questions have been raised to our Presidency about the topic.

Our exalted book, the Koran, has been downloaded in Arabic (Yusuf, 12/2; Zuhruf, 3/43). The Quran is the Quran both in word and meaning. The meaning expressed in other words, even in Arabic, is not the word of Almighty God, but the meaning that the translator understands from it. In this sense, the meaning that is understood from these words and expressed in other words is not the Qur’an. The word and the meaning of the Quran is a miracle. From the verses that state that the Quran is in Arabic, it is clearly understood that not only the meaning, but also the words are included in the content of the Quran’s concept. Islamic scholars agree that the translation of the Qur’an cannot be called the Qur’an and that its translation does not have the effect of the Qur’an. Although it is necessary to read the meaning and interpretation of the Quran to learn the advice and commandments of our Almighty Lord, it is not allowed to name these translations after the Quran and it is not correct to read the translation instead of the Quran. When read as worship, the Quran should be read in its original words. The decree to read the meanings, translations and commentaries of the Qur’an is different, and the decree to replace these translations as the Qur’an and keep them as the Qur’an is completely different.

Reading the Quran in its original form and being able to pray in your own language should not be confused with each other. Because prayer is an obligatory act of worship that we must be sure to do correctly. Therefore, this fard is fulfilled only when the recitation of the Qur’an, which is the rukn of the prayer, is read with its original words. Since recitation of the Quran in prayer is obligatory with ijma and none of the meanings can be called ijmâen Qur’an, it is not considered legitimate with the alliance of Islamic ummah to perform the Quran in prayer. In fact, this issue was clearly exposed in the decision of the Council of Councilors of 9 Ramadan 1324/23 March 1926 and number 743 and the decision of the Higher Council of Religious Affairs dated December 4, 1997 and number 103.

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His words were written by Hz. The adhan, which is fixed by the Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH), is the motto of the religion of Islam and an indicator of Muslim existence / identity. The adhan, which contains the basic principles of Islamic belief and is the common value of the Islamic community, is also the symbol of Islamic unity.

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In terms of its meaning and content, adhan is a call to both prayer and Islam. In other words, while people are called to prayer through adhan, on the other hand, the existence and unity of Allah, Hz. It expresses the fact that Muhammad (peace be upon him) is his messenger and the true Salvation (felâh) is in the happiness of the hereafter.

It is true that the call to be recited in any language other than the original form of adhan has no reputation as adhan in the eyes of the world’s Islamic and Muslim scholars. In fact, Islamic scholars claimed that a call to read outside of Arabic cannot qualify as adhan, for example, words to read in Persian are not valid as adhan. (Ibn Abidin, Reddü’l-muhtar, I, 383.)

There is a 15th century tradition and covenant that the adhan should be recited in its original form. Since the adhan is the motto of Islam and you are invited to pray, this invitation is sent to all Muslims who speak different languages ​​only by addressing the common consciousness of all of them, and this is done by reciting the adhan in Arabic, which are the original words of the adhan (Ibn Abidin, Reddu’l-muhtar, I, 383). Therefore, it is not allowed to read the adhan in any language other than its original form. “


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The recitation of the Koran was read in Turkish at the Seb-i Arus ceremony organized by the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IMM) on the occasion of the anniversary of Mevlana’s death.

The presence of women among the whirling dervishes, contrary to tradition, provoked reactions.

Fahrettin Altun, Head of Communications, made a statement on the matter: “There was great disrespect for the Quran against Azim and Hz. Mevlana.” he had used the expression.
